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I had the chance to observe our teachers for 3 weeks.And I also had the chance to practice
a little.Now that we have learned, we should the control class and deal with all students one
by one by.But there were 40 student in the class, and each of them was very different, so it
was very difficult to control them.There were students who did not attend the lesson,
besides, there were students who interrupted the lesson too much because they were too
eager for the lesson.Some of the students, on the other hand, are very clueless about the
lesson,and it is very difficult to integrate them into the lesson because there are too many of
them.On the other hand, I wanted to be a very friendly teacher.But they didn't listen to me
unless I treated them seriously.So teaching was not as easy as I imagined.
When I first came to the class I saw that everybody have a book and I tried to figure out what
is their aim in this lesson.I saw that everybody were talking in their native language.I already
know that in Turkey there is just few schools that provide their students how to gain
communicative competence.I saw that teacher makes translations and gives the meanings
of vocabulary.I thought that these lessons probably based on grammar translation syllabus
and maybe a little bit lexical syllabbus.Students were solving tests and teacher gave them
answers.I thought that maybe it was just one week that this situation would continue but I
went about three weeks and it never changed.There was no speaking and listening
activities.Because of the crowded environment it was hard to do speaking and listening
activities.There was so much noise.I think that speaking just Turkish isn't a good situation for
English learners.Students should speak and become active learners but there is a drawback
and it is mostly because the crowded classes.For English learners there should be different
kinds of sitting shapes so that they can interact with each other and classes should contain
less students.I think that providing this environment will help teachers who wants to use
more task based or functional notional syllabus.Teachers should be friendly and sometimes
funny especially for young learners. It will give students motivation and a joyful environment
and it will help them learn better.I think that the first thing that teachers should consider is
this question "How can I motivate my students to make their learning easy and joyful?"
My first experience in the teaching environment was very easy to handle for me. I had 3
weeks to examine them until now and I can say that young learners in my class are eager to
learn and they know a lot of things about english. They also can understand and speak
clearly with me. they learn through speaking and asking questions and answering them.
They never interrupt me and listen to what I am saying. They see me in a friendly way, that's
why they want to learn more about English. When I see their willingness, I feel more
confident and want to teach more about English.
If I had their teacher, I would do a lot of activities because I know that they are smart and
can handle pair or group workings very well.
In conclusion, teaching did not seem hard to me. It is really nice to be able to teach in such a
good class.
Merve Nur KARPUZ
I have observed my teacher for 2 weeks. I learned a lot of stuff like classroom
management,making lessons interesting and fun, seating students according to their needs,
etc. When I become a teacher, as far as I saw I should mainly focus on classroom
management. If I can manage the class properly, I can teach anything in a fun way.
Last week we started to lecture and I lectured to 8th and 5th graders. 8th graders seem to
lack interest in English , maybe since it's their exam year or maybe because of their ages.
But 5th graders were generally so eager to learn and participate in the class that I was
shocked and it was way more fun to lecture than 8th graders.
When it comes to materials, our teacher followed the book but I personally made a
slideshow to pull their interests and make them learn better. I'm also planning to bring
concrete materials like balls, toy animals to make them love the English language.
Mehmet ŞEKER
In my experience of internship thus far, I have observed my teacher and the classses for two
weeks. What I learned is, if you want your students to respect your authority you can't be
their friends. You can be candid with them to a certain point but if you want to be respected
in the class you have to be serious in critical points in class so that students know you're in
charge of the classroom. That doesn't mean you have to yell and shout and be rude to them.
You can be good humored in certain situations but if you make them understand that you're
the authority; they won't disrespect you and start talking with each other at any given
Last week I was given a chance to be the teacher for 7th graders. I was given a task to make
an activity. I planned a speaking activity. I asked them about their past experiences involving
a sport. They seem to be interested in learning English but they have a short attention span.
So I gave them a couple of minutes to prepare with their friends so that when it was time to
do the activity they didn't talk with each other. Most of the students gave short answers with
shaky grammar but I saw that they were trying and that was enough for me. Also they were
a couple of students with great answers. I make the classroom applaud them to give
motivation to be better.
When it comes to the materials, our teacher used the official books. I also found some
games regarding sports to make the learning environment more fun.
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