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SDMC-PG Guidelines for Online Classes

SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire 574240
Post Graduate Centre
Guidelines for Documentation of Online Classes
1. All faculty members must share their notes through Google Classroom, three days
prior to their class.
 Create Google classroom using college email account
 Classroom Name: CourseName_PaperCode_Year
(Ex: MSc STAT STE531 2019-20)
 Add admin ID admin_pg@sdmcujire.in as a co-teacher in your google
2. All faculty members must update the required details in the Google sheet provided,
every day after the class.
 Time (From - To) : 10 - 11
 Faculty Name (CODE) : BG
 Mode (Google Meet / Classroom) : Select Meet / Classroom
 Topic Discussed (Insert Comment) : Enter Details in a given Cell
 Attach Attendance Link (Google form) : Meet Attendance / Google Form Response Link
 Recorded Meet Lecture (Link) : Recording file link (Meet Recordings)
 Video Link Shared : Web / Google Drive file Link
 Study Materials Shared (Link) : Web / Google Drive file Link
 Quiz (Link) : Quiz form link
 Attendance : Checking / Unchecking check boxes to mark attendance
3. Record all classes conducted on Google Meet. Recordings are saved to the
organizer’s Meet Recordings folder in My Drive. An email with the recording link is
sent to the meeting organizer and the person who started the recording. Share the
recordings links in the Google sheet provided.
4. HODs of all departments are requested to frequently check and verify all video links
shared by the faculty and provide feedback, in order to ensure the improvement in
online teaching.
5. Faculty members must use the same link every day to conduct online classes. This
Google Meet link should be generated through Google Classroom.
Go to Google classroom
Click the class Settings
Under General, click Generate Meet link. A Meet link appears for your class.
At the top, click Save
6. Provide the classroom meet link in the format given below by tomorrow, this link
will be attached to your timetable. This can be used by the HOI/Secretary to
randomly join your class / review recorded class.
Sl. Department
Paper Code
Faculty Name /
Classroom Meet Link
7. Faculty members must collect feedback from the students regarding the effectiveness
of the classes. This can be done in any format preferred by the faculty. In case you
require a specific format, the documentation committee can provide one on request.
8. Student feedback will be collected for evaluation by the college office once in a
9. After completion of each unit in the syllabus, the faculty must update relevant
materials to EERPMS.
10. Faculty members must frequently conduct evaluations of students' performance by
conducting tests or quizzes on Google Classroom.
11. Faculty must strictly monitor student attendance in online classes. Students with less
than 75% attendance must be individually contacted and try to resolve their issues.
Appropriate measures for resolution of issues can be discussed with the HOD/HOI,
or measures like sharing notes in advance, instructing them to attend classes through
phone conference can be implemented.