Some Lichen Acids May Be L`sed As A Potcntial Drııg For Cancer

Some Lichen Acids May Be L'sed As A Potcntial Drııg For Cancer Therapy; By
Inhibiting Mitochondrial Thioredoxin Reductase
ilknur Ozsencli, Harun Budak , Mehmet Ciftci, Mustafa Anar
Atatürk University, Faculty of Science, Department ofChemistry, Erzurum
'Atatürk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Erzurum
Bingöl University, Faculty of Science and Art, Department ofChemistry, Bingöl
*Corresponding author. E-mail: nur_turk
Thioredoxin reductase (E.C; TrxR), is a widely distributed flavoprotein, catalyzes the NADPHdependent reduction of thioredoxin (Trx) in many celluiar events including DNA synthesis, redox
signaling, antioxidative defence, selenium metabolism, and the regulatmg of apoptosis. Although TrxR
protects healthy cells from oxidative stress, the overexpression of TrxR also promotes to tumor growth
and progression in the celi. Thus, the inhibition of TrxR has been targeted for chemotherapy approaches
[1,2]. in this study, it was the fırst time the enzyme was purifıed from rat lung in two steps as the
preparation of homogenate and 2',5'-ADP Sepharose 4B affınity chromatography. After the purification
procedure, in vitro inhibition effect of some lichen acids [3] including diffractaic acid, evernic acid,
lobaric acid, lecanoric acid, and vulpinic acid on mitochondrial TrxR vvas investigated. Ali of the lichen
acids exhibited strong inhibitory effect on the enzyme same as the anticancer agents.
Key words: Thiorcdoxin Reductase, Cancer, Lichen Acids
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[2] Fan. C. Zheng, W.. Fu, X., l.i, X., Vv'ong. Y-S., Chen, T. 2014. Celi Death Dis. April; 5(4): el 191.
[3] Rankovic, B., Kosanic, M., Manojlovic, N., Rancic, A., Stanojkovic, T. 2014. Chemical composition
of Hypogymnia physodes lichen and biological activities of some its majör metabolites Med Chem
Res, 23:408-416.