TOLL BENZERİ ALMAÇLAR: ENFLAMASYONU YÖNLENDİREN MOLEKÜLLER İHSAN GÜRSEL Bilkent Üniversitesi, Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bölümü, UNAM, Malzeme Bilimi ve Nanoteknoloji Enstitüsü, Nanobiyoteknoloji Araştırma Birimi FDA VRC NCI NIAID NIH r nte e C ical Clin 1 KARŞILAŞTIRMA: TÜRKİYE’NİN BİLİM VE TEKNOLOJİDEKİ YERİ 1996-2005 (10 yıl) arasında uluslararası dergilerinde yayınlanan makalelerin tümü h-indeks: Bir araştırmanın uluslararası camiada ne kadar etkili olduğunu gösteren değer ¾ Stanford Üniversitesi, Türkiyeden 50 kattan daha fazla etkili araştırma yapıyor. ¾ Türkiye’nin h-indisinin 80’i, uluslararası ortak çalışmaların sonucunda elde edilmiştir. Neden yüksek katma değer? İhraç Ürünleri • Fındık (1 Ton) • Tofaş Araba (1 Ton) • Uzaktan Algılayan Lazer (1 Ton) • AKM Mikroskopu (1 Ton) $ ~ 1,800 ~ 12,000 ~ 2,500,000 ~ 18,000,000 • rIFN* ve rEpo (15 grams, ithal !) ~ 450,000,000 • Türkiye yılda ~ 15 gr rekombinant Eritropoetin kullanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte diğer interferonlar ve interlükinler de eklenince yılda harcanan rakam ‘0.8 Milyar $ seviyesine ulaşacağı tahmin ediliyor (2009 yılı için). • *Bizim Amacımız: Bu biyolojik ajanları immün hücrelerine ürettirebilecek DNA kökenli nanoilaçlar tasarlamaktır. 2 The Danger Theory (Infectious non-self vs non-infectious self) Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPS) (Exist on NON‐SELF) Pathogen Recognition Receptors (PRR) ( Present on SELF) INNATE IMMUNE ACTIVATION Innate Immunity Inflammatory immune response Adaptive Immunity Antigen specific immune response T cells, B cells Granulocytes, Macrophages Dendritic cells (DC) Natural Killer cells (NK) TLRs NLRs RLRs Cytokines Chemokines Interferons IgM minutes Antigen presentation NK killing hours days Antigen-specific 1) Antibodies (IgG, A, E) 2) Cellular immune response (CTL, Th, Treg) months years Ishii KJ and Akira S. ‘Innate Immunity’ Clinical Immunology 3rd Ed. In press 3 TLRs sense both bacterial and viral invasion Bacteria Virus LPS Envelope protein (MMTV) F protein (RSV) Peptidoglycan Lipopeptide Bacterial DNA Viral DNA Flagellin TLR2 TLR5 TLR4 TLR9 TLR (NLR, RLR)-for GOOD TLR (NLR, RLR) ligands derived from pathogens or damaged cells Innate Immunity 10 2/6 1/24 7 9 B Mɸ 1/6 2/1 4 79 8 3 IFNα IFNα pDC m(c)DC IL-15 IFNα IFNα Th1 IFNγ Adaptive Immunity γδ T 4 8 RegT Th2 Exaggerated inflammatory responses Septic shock NK CTL IFNγ IgG dsRNA TLR-(NLR, RLR)Pathological effects 5 2 7 B9 Imidazoquinolines ssRNA TLR3 TLR7 3 cytokines/chemokines 12 IL- Proliferation IL-6 10 2 4 Epithelial cells =Type-I IFN ↑ 7 Chronic inflammatory responses Atherosclerosis Transplant rejection + Antigens Vaccine adjuvant Anti-allergy Anti-cancer Autoimmune diseases 4 Innate immune receptor; TLR,Virus RLRsensors and NLR CR, MR, SR, FcR TLR5 TLR2/1 TLR2/6 TLR11 Intracellular Endosome TLR3 TIR TIR TRIF TLR7, 8, 9 TIR TIR Pro-IL1/18 Cleavage TIR TIRAP ‘Danger’ receptors IL1/18 TIRTIR MyD88 Cytoplasm TRAM TIR NOD TIR TIR NOD2 CARDCARD TIR NOD Nucleic acid sensors TIR TIR TIR TIR Extracellular NOD1 CARD MD-2 TLR4 NF-κB TIR pro-inflammatory cytokines Caspase-1 CARD Caspase MyD88 IRF3/7 IFNα, β ? NALP3 IPAF PYD PYD NOD CARD NOD NAIP5 NOD BIRx3 CA RD Nucleus IPS-1 CARDCARD Helicase RIG-I CARDCARD Helicase MDA5 Helicase LGP2 Mitochondria Ishii KJ and Akira S. ‘Innate Immunity’ Clinical Immunology 3rd Ed. In press TLR Ulakları Biochem. Biochem. J. (2009) 422, 11-10 5 Multiple roles for MyD88 MyD88 is a central signal for many processes involving host defense to infection and inflammation and cancer Multiple roles for MyD88: mechanism for induction of EAE Signaling via MyD88 is essential for initiation of EAE and mediates mDC IL-6 and IL-23 production and T cell IL-23R production. MOG-specific Th17 cells are primed, differentiated and maintained in the presence of mDC IL-6 and IL23. The regulatory role of TLR4 or TLR9 on IL-17 production may act via downregulation of DC activation, and/or via dampened priming of encephalitogenic Th17 cells responses. Lines with bars represent inhibition 6 Dextran sülfat yollu kolon yaralanmalarında TLR4’e bağlı epitel doku rejenerasyonu Makrofajların, TLR4 ve MyD88 yollu COX2’yi etkinleşmesi sonucu Prostoglandin2 salımı artmaktadır. Bu olgu hücre prolierasyonu için gereklidir. TLR4’ün karaciğer stellat hücrelerini etkinleştirip fibrozisi artırmayı yönlendirme mekanizması 7 BASKILAYICI DNA: Memeli Genomunda Bulunur (TTAGGG)4 G tetrad oluşturabilen telomerik memeli DNA motifleri nanokompleks halde iken TLR antagonisti olarak davranmaktadırlar. Spontan nanoparçacık oluşturan DNA ODN’lerin Atomik kuvvet mikroskop görüntüsü DNA nanoparçacığı Ave Size : 30 ± 10 nm 8 ARAŞTIRMA AMAÇLI OLARAK SATILAN NANOPARÇACIK YAPISINDAKİ İMMÜN SİSTEMİ BASKILAYICI DNA (Invivogen, USA) BİZDE DAHA UCUZ !!! DNA BAZLI NANOİLAÇLAR İmmün Sistemi Baskılayıcı DNA motifleriImmunosuppressive Motifs (Telomerik DNA) Otoimmün hastalıkların tedavisi •Artrit •Sepsis •Lupus •Diyabet •Behçet •Üveit •FMF (sistemik oto-enflamatuvar) •EAE 9 Baskılayıcı DNA fare de oluşturulan Adjuvant Artriti geriletmektedir PBS * Bacteri DNA + Control ODN * * Bacteri DNA + Sup ODN 0 5 10 15 JOINT SWELLING (mm x 10-2 ) 0 1 2 0 5 10 HISTOLOGIC TNFa [SI] SCORE Zeuner, Arthrit Rheum, 2005 Aynı sonuçlar kollajenle indüklenmiş artrit modelinde de gösterilmiştir (Dong et al, Rheumatology, 2005) % Survival A Baskılayıcı DNA Endotoksine Bağlı Septik Şoku Önlemektedir 80 40 ** 100 80 PBS Sup ODN Cont ODN 60 PBS Sup ODN ODN 2010 60 40 20 0 20 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Hours post LPS challenge (200 μg) 100 % Survival C ** B 100 80 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Hours post LPS challenge (200 μg) ** PBS Sup ODN CpG ODN 60 40 20 0 * 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 Hours post LPS challenge (100 μg) Shirota,J.Immunol, 2005 10 Yeni jenerasyon uyarıcı DNAlar Kendi kendine nanoparçacık oluşturabilen oligoların sentezi Nanoparçacık oluşturma şeması TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG TCGACGTTGG ODN420: 5’-kısmına çift fonksiyonlu linker ekleyerek ikinci jenerasyonun sentezine olanak kılıyoruz. Sentez G=3 de durduruldu. Kontrol ODN (ODN421) CG nin GC ye dönüştürülmüş diziniyle hazırlandı) Patent pending 11 Nanoparçacık oluşturan ODN420 tipinin AKM görüntüsü Ave Size : 45 ± 10 nm (A) topographic (B) phase contrast Scan area is 5 µm x 5 µm Fare dalak hücrelerinin NP ODN420 uyarılmasından sonraki IL-6 salım profili 12 ODN420 induces TNFα secretion and ODN420PO is a better candidate for type I IFN induction Following 5h incubation w/ODNs(1uM) + Brefeldin A. pDCs are gated for TNFa. Tumor Xenograft Model • 5 x 106 Huh7 cells, a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, is subcutaneously injected into T-cell deficient nude mice. • Three doses of 100 µg of ODN-420 or ODNA151 are injected intratumorally with one day-on and one day-off treatment starting from day 3 post-palpable tumor formation. • Tumor dimensions are recorded daily as width, height and length by a caliper and calculated as mm3. • ODN Rx is initiated after observing ~75mm3 tumor volume. 13 Tumor volume in mm3 ODN-A151 cannot induce remission of the tumor but only delay the tumor growth (~d=30) 6000 5000 No Rx 4000 A151 (1) 3000 A151 (2) 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Days NP-ODN420 uygulaması tümör ilerlemesini durduruyr Tumor volume in mm3 6000 5000 4000 No Rx 420 (1) 3000 420 (2) 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Days 14 NP-ODN:anti-tümör immüniteyi başlatıyor 5580 mm3 Untreated @ d=35 550 mm3 NP-420 ODN Treated @ d=42 Tumor size reduction: >80% QUESTION? • How can we follow the global gene expression changes mediating this immune activation ? The Best Alternative APPROACH : MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY 15 DNA Microarray: The Process Test sample Reference-commercial source Isolate RNA Treatment RNA Control RNA RT-reaction cDNA cDNA Label Cy5 Cy3 Mix Two Probes Hybridize Wash Scanning Representative image of the array after scanning 16 CpG DNA specific differentially up-regulated genes, and their common features over time. 2h (n=9) 1 4h (n=56) 3 21 5 29 164 8h (n=198) Explanation of the GO Database • Contains 5 hierarchical levels (from global to specific). Example • Biological Processes (BP): - Level 1: Physiological processes (GLOBAL) - Level 2: Response to external stimulus - Level 3: Response to biotic stimulus - Level 4: Defense response - Level 5: Immune response (SPECIFIC) • Note: level 5 is a subset of level 4, which in turn is a subset of level 3 … 17 GO annotation chart (604 genes from 8h, CpG vs c-Control group) 604 genes extracted at p<0.0001 by BRB (CpG vs c-Cont at 8h) 521 genes are annotated by GO and divided into 3 sub-sections 1 Biological process 349 genes 2 3 Molecular function 378 genes Cellular components 343 genes Extracting “immune response” genes by GO analysis (8 h 604 gene set) Biological process (BP) 349 genes Level 1 Physiological process 297 genes Level 2 Response to stimulus 76 genes Response to biotic stimulus 62 genes Level 4 Defense response 60 genes Level 5 Immune response 53 genes Level 3 18 Fold change in the expression profile of selected gene groups over time 9 1h cell surface signaling Fold (log ratio) 8 2h receptor binding 7 4h cytokine activity 6 8h defense response 5 4 3 2 1 0 1h 2h 4h 8h Tüm ‘Biyoterapötik ODN Lab’ üyelerine katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim 19 TEŞEKKÜRLER 20