Management | Traceability | Process Monitoring | Controlling | Analysis
Smart Meat Processing Software
Smart Production
Meatsys is a comprehensive management and
traceability solutions for slaughterhouses, meat
processors, packers and further processing companies.
Meatsys covers all operations from an animal receiving
to order processing.
We know that one of the main concerns of the
customers is being autonomous and independent in
terms of the way of doing their own business. Thanks
to the innovative architecture and latest software
development technologies, every module and part of
the system are fully manageable and customizable by
the customers if desired.
We’ve used state-of-art technology to capture all the
information available using RFID embedded hooks,
dollies, crates and fixed readers throughout the
production chain without interrupting the production
process. All the sensors integrated into the system helps
to eliminate human errors and unwanted interruptions.
Meatsys has been designed to ease the entire
production line and help you make informative
decisions about your business.
Very low initial investment and
maintenance cost on equipment
Meatsys can run on any kind of device and
operating system with a simple recent web
browser and consumes very little system
resources with high stability. You can continue
using your old systems. So you do not need
to invest in operating system licenses, pay for
upgrades and use high priced equipment.
Never stop production due to
IT equipment failures
Thanks to web-based architecture you can
replace nonfunctioning devices seamlessly
within minutes or just use the administration
interface to forward the operation to a nearby
device without interrupting the production
We know that time is money and device
dependent systems are always a threat to
the production process. So we’ve created a
system that changing a computer, label printer,
weighing scale or forwarding the operation to a
nearby device on factory floor takes not more
than a minute. Even a simple tablet device can
take place of a factory floor computer instantly.
Pay only what you need.
Meatsys is a fully scalable system that can be
used by any size and type of facility. It covers all
sizes of operation successfully with its modular
You pay for only the modules and functionality
you need. When you need to grow and add new
modules you only need to give us a call. We will
give you a new license code to start using the
new modules in just a few hours.
Work fast and accurate
We use automated data capture wherever we
can. With installed RFID readers on the rails and
Embedded RFID tags on the hooks, carts and
dolllies, all the “pass through” and weighing
information recorded automatically without
operator interaction. If you have actuator based
rail routing system, routing command can be
send to the routers.
Full equipment integration
Meatsys has a wide variety of scales, printers
and readers system support. However If you are
using older equipment and it is not supported
by the system, we can integrate your devices
Do it your way:
With a simple to use drag and drop user
interface, create your own processing stations
and warehouses, connect your own devices,
design your own labels, setup your own
protocols, recipes etc. You are not bound to
initial software setup or the software company
at all. You can change the settings or add new
production stations, devices, and warehouses
for your needs in the future.
You are always welcome to ask us to do these
tasks for you but you don’t have to.
ERP Integrations
Simple or very advanced, no matter what kind of a
system you use, we can easily integrate Meatsys with
any ERP or sales and distribution software in a few
Animal Receiving | Lairage management | Live weighing | RFID integration
Ante-mortem inspection | Carcass Receiving | Carcass weighing and labeling
| Raw material receiving
RFID identification on the entry | Post-mortem inspections | Full individual
traceability | Splitting and quartering | Weighing stations integration | Grading
Labeling | Yields and efficiency analysis
Procurement module receives the live animal, carcass or raw materials. The
system is also able to get all the traceability data from government animal
identification databases and farm management systems through the XML
web services integration module.
Animal weighing and RFID integration are ready for most of the well-known
brands of scales and readers. But if needed, we can add new devices very
With the animal entry, all production data is captured throughout the whole
process. Automatic identification of the entering animal enables system
sequencing the carcasses.
Every product including offal and leather is recorded, labeled and included
in the traceability data. Whether you use hand-held terminals or fixed stations
we carry all the data, like weighing, to the screen of the device you like.
With post-mortem examination and the grading module, you ensure the
product quality and eliminate the human errors through the production
Yields can be calculated and recorded along the desired number of weighing
Further Processing
Carcass receiving |Carcass weighing | Individual or lot based traceability |
Butcher performance tracking | Product Labeling |Weighing stations integration
|Yields and efficiency analysis
Raw material receiving | Weighing scales integration | Spice and raw
material management | Premixing (portioning and labeling) | Product Recipe
Deboning hall is one of the busiest parts of processing companies. For that
reason, every activity must be recorded and tracked through the processing
line. With Meatsys, all of the performance indicators are recorded through the
deboning and trimming process as well as the operator performance.
Either individual or lot based product traceability can be applied according
to the system setup. Recorded values of all the environmental conditions like
temperature etc. is also bounded with the final products.
Meatsys’ further processing system is fully capable of recipe formulation,
recipe versioning and tracking, ingredient traceability, batch based product
traceability, premixed and portioned ingredient management. The system
serves a wide range of food producers from sausage and burger producers to
the infant formula or candy producers.
ınventory and cold storage management
Shrinking & Vacuuming | Packing & Boxing | Palletizing | Weighing | Labeling
Transfering and receiving records | Automated inventory reports | Sales order
picking | Container loading
Finished or semi-finished products are packed and labeled for storage or
dispatch. Meatsys can be integrated with any packing line or also used as
a stand-alone packing system wherever needed. With its state-of-the-art
management console, the desired amount of packing and labeling stations
can be created in no time. You can design your own labels with your favorite
barcode designing software and add to the system. All of the traceability data
could also be carried up to the pallet.
The modular and parametric architecture of the system allows you to create
and integrate as many warehouses, cold storage units as you like in a few
minutes. You can also determine the transferring and product acceptance
rules for each warehouse separately. With its friendly user interface and
optional automatic RFID data capturing systems, inventory information is
always available and accurate.
RFID embedded hooks, dollies, carts & crates | Rail readers | Stationary and
mobile readers | Paperless carcass tracking | Automated inventory tracking |
Automated weighing | Automated rail routing management
Individual carcass and primal traceability | Batch traceability of further
processing products | Raw material traceability | Premix traceability|
Production conditions traceability | Stationary and mobile Readers |
Paperless Carcass tracking | Instant traceability reporting | Mobile scanning
app for customers | Optional barcode and RFID based traceability along the
production process
Meatsys has been designed to collect data automatically from every available
point on the production line. We install high powered and noise resistance
reader systems on the twin and mono rails, transfer stations, weighing stations
and every possible place where data can be captured automatically. We also
choose best transponders for the application and equipment to be identified.
We can either install the readers and transponders for a new system or retrofit
for your old systems.
Traceability is one of the most important aspects of the food processing
business. Traceability has different levels; starting from basic age and source
verification to the full traceability. Such as from an animal’s farm records of
Windows or Android based interfaces | Integrated barcode and rfid readers
Mobile modules for all sorts of operations
Sanitation records | Personel tracking | Environmental conditions tracking
Mobile computers with RFID and barcode readers are integrated with the
system for higher mobility. The devices are capable of getting data directly
from the integrated weighing scales and RFID readers to be used in every step
where needed. Also, devices can be easily configured to use barcode printers
or other output devices in any station.
Daily cleaning and sanitation records are included in the system for compliance
with the laws and regulations. Personnel entrance, exit and movement records
are collected from entrance and exit gates with boot RFID readers and Real
time tracking devices.
Farm Management Systems
Other solutions
Procurement | Veterinary records | Performance analysis | Breeding
management | Feed management | Farm automation.
► RFID laundry and uniform tracking
IntegraFarm is one of the best systems available to manage your farm, create
automation and do resource planning for any scale of farms. IntegraFarm set
itself apart from simple herd management software with its fully integrated
systems and devices to help you to reach maximum profit.
IntegraFarm offers you wide and detailed reporting for your management
decisions. Reports include everything from veterinary records, livestock health
and feed planning to feed bunk management mixer optimizations, inventory
and cost management.
By using RFID technologies you can create real-time data that provides you
individual animal information. All this information can easily be transferred to
the next step and to the processing of the final product.
► RFID boots tracking
► RFID knife and equipment tracking
► RFID personnel tracking
Vetident Technologies Ltd.
Unalan Mah. Guzide Sk. 32/37
Uskudar / Istanbul
+90 216 599 0 598
Aralsa Consulting Inc.
3073 Buck rd PO Box 578
Bryn Athyn PA 19009
+1 267 838 4005
Vetident Germany
Offenbacher Landstr. 512
60599 Frankfurt am Main
+49 69 366 02 148
Vetident OY
Kangaskuja 2 i 34 05460
+358 019 439 777 | |