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Interpretation of SPECT-CT MPS

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Interpretation of SPECT/
CT Myocardial Perfusion
Images: Common Artifacts and Quality Control
Ryan A. Dvorak, MD • Richard K. J. Brown, MD • James R. Corbett, MD
Nuclear medicine has long played an important role in the noninvasive
evaluation of known or suspected coronary artery disease. The development of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
led to improved assessments of myocardial perfusion, and the use of
electrocardiographic gating made accurate measurements of ventricular wall motion, ejection fractions, and ventricular volumes possible.
With the use of hybrid SPECT/computed tomography (CT) scanning
systems, the cardiac functional parameters can be measured in a single
imaging session. These recent advances in imaging technology have
not only enhanced image quality but also improved diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in the detection of clinically relevant coronary
artery disease. The CT-based attenuation maps obtained with hybrid
SPECT/CT systems also have been useful for improving diagnostic
accuracy. However, when attenuation correction and other advanced
image data postprocessing techniques are used, unexpected artifacts
may arise. The artifacts most commonly encountered are related to
the characteristics either of the technology or of the patient. Thus,
close attention to the details of acquisition protocols, processing techniques, and image interpretation is needed to ensure high diagnostic
quality in myocardial perfusion studies.
RSNA, 2011 • radiographics.rsna.org
Abbreviation: ECG = electrocardiography
RadioGraphics 2011; 31:2041–2057 • Published online 10.1148/rg.317115090 • Content Codes:
From the Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, University of Michigan Health System, 1500 E Medical Center Dr, B1 G505 UH,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5028. Recipient of Certificate of Merit and Excellence in Design awards for an education exhibit at the 2010 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received April 18, 2011; revision requested June 27 and received August 6; accepted August 19. J.R.C. has disclosed various financial relationships
(p 2057); both other authors have no financial relationships to disclose. Address correspondence to R.K.J.B. (e-mail: rkjbrown@med.umich.edu).
RSNA, 2011
2042 November-December 2011
Attenuation correction methods have enhanced
image quality and improved the sensitivity and
specificity of myocardial perfusion imaging by
limiting the effect of soft tissue attenuation. Computed tomography (CT)-based attenuation maps
(µ maps) obtained with current-generation hybrid
single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT)/CT systems represent a substantial
improvement over traditional attenuation correction methods based on line source transmission.
However, unexpected artifacts may arise with the
use of attenuation correction methods at SPECT/
CT myocardial perfusion imaging, and close attention to quality assurance is needed during
image data postprocessing and in the reconstruction and interpretation of attenuation-corrected
images. The article reviews the causes and appearances of artifacts commonly encountered at
myocardial perfusion imaging with SPECT/CT,
including artifacts related to postprocessing techniques and those related to the individual patient.
Methods for correcting or preventing each of
these artifacts are discussed in detail.
Technetium 99m (99mTc) sestamibi and 99mTc
tetrofosmin are the radiotracers most commonly used in myocardial perfusion imaging.
These lipophilic cationic complexes cross the cell
membrane by passive diffusion and localize in
the mitochondria, binding to intramitochondrial
proteins. As a result, they do not undergo a substantial redistribution like that of thallium 201–
labeled compounds. Thus, the use of either 99mTc
sestamibi or 99mTc tetrofosmin allows greater flexibility in the timing and duration of image acquisitions, and delayed or repeated imaging may be
performed as needed. One important difference
between 99mTc sestamibi and 99mTc tetrofosmin
is that the latter is cleared more rapidly from the
liver, especially if administered while the patient
is resting or undergoing pharmacologic stress
induction. Earlier hepatic clearance allows earlier
imaging and lessens the likelihood of artifacts related to hepatic uptake.
Patient Preparation
At the authors’ institution, all patients referred
for myocardial perfusion imaging complete a
focused cardiovascular history survey and undergo a physical examination immediately before
imaging. Patients are questioned about their
symptoms, including inciting factors and relieving factors, and are asked whether any change in
symptoms has occurred since their last visit to
the referring physician, especially if signs of instability have developed. The patient’s physical tolerance for various forms of stress testing should be
assessed. The carotid pulses, pulmonary function,
and cardiac function should be evaluated, and
the lungs should be assessed for evidence of heart
failure and pulmonary edema. The heart should
be assessed for evidence of heart failure and severe or critical aortic stenosis.
Patients are instructed not to eat for 4 hours
before perfusion imaging, to decrease splanchnic blood flow and radiotracer activity in the
liver and bowel. Nondairy and noncaffeinated
beverages may be consumed up to the time of
imaging, but patients are instructed not to ingest
caffeine for 12–24 hours before the imaging examination, because caffeine can blunt the effect
of commonly used pharmacologic stress induction agents. Ideally, patients without previously
documented coronary artery disease also would
withhold consumption of b-blockers and calcium
channel blockers for 24 hours before the start of
imaging because these medications are known to
reduce the sensitivity of stress perfusion imaging,
whether stress is exercise induced or pharmacologically induced. Long-acting nitrates should be
withheld the day of the imaging examination, if
possible. However, it is best left to the referring
physician to determine whether the patient can
tolerate the withholding of these medications.
When perfusion imaging is performed for risk
stratification of patients who are undergoing
medical therapy for known coronary artery disease, medications are not usually withheld.
Stress Induction Protocols
Myocardial perfusion imaging traditionally
has been performed with rest-stress imaging
protocols based either on a 2-day examination
schedule, with the maximum radiotracer dose
administered for rest and stress perfusion studies
performed on different days, or a 1-day examination schedule, with a low dose of the radiotracer
administered for rest imaging and a higher dose
administered for stress imaging. Both rest-stress
and stress-rest perfusion imaging protocols have
been validated by the accumulated experience
of many years. However, an advantage of using
a stress-first protocol is that if the stress images
are entirely normal, rest imaging need not be performed. The results of several studies performed
in the past several years in large patient groups
have confirmed that mortality rates after normal
findings at stress-only perfusion imaging are similar to those after combined rest-stress perfusion
imaging (1,2).
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Number 7
For patients who are unable to complete the
standard exercise protocol for stress induction,
regadenoson (Lexiscan; Astellas Pharma US,
Deerfield, Ill) is the currently preferred pharmacologic stress induction agent. Regadenoson is
a highly specific adenosine A2A receptor agonist
that acts as a coronary vasodilator and has very
low affinity for the A1, A2B, and A3 receptors
that are responsible for the major side effects of
adenosine and dipyridamole. Side effects of the
latter two agents may include depressed function
of sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes and possible atrioventricular node block (A1), severe peripheral vasodilation and hypotension (A2B), and
bronchoconstriction that may be severe and life
threatening (A3) (3,4). Because regadenoson has
little if any cross reactivity with the adenosine A3
receptor responsible for bronchospasm, it is safer
than intravenous adenosine and dipyridamole for
use in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease with a reversible component
(5,6). However, caution is advised when using regadenoson in patients with bronchospastic airway
disease, and bronchodilator therapy should be
immediately available. Patients with moderate to
severe bronchospasm at the time of the perfusion
imaging study may require inhalation therapy
with albuterol sulfate or a similar medication
to minimize wheezing before the regadenoson
infusion is administered (7). Dipyridamole and
adenosine must be used with extreme caution in
patients with even minimal wheezing, and such
patients should receive prophylactic inhalation
therapy if either of these stress-inducing pharmacologic agents is to be used. If adenosine is the
only agent available and bronchospasm cannot be
corrected with an inhalant, it is best to postpone
the perfusion imaging study until the patient’s
pulmonary status has been medically optimized.
Regadenoson is administered intravenously at
a dose of 0.4 mg, followed by a saline flush. The
radiotracer 99mTc sestamibi (mean dose and standard deviation, 7.4 MBq [0.2 mCi] per kilogram
body weight ± 18.5 [± 0.5]) is injected 10–20 seconds after the saline flush. If dipyridamole is used
instead of regadenoson, it is infused over a period
of 4 minutes (dosage, 0.142 mg/kg/min), and the
radiopharmaceutical is injected 3–4 minutes after the completion of the dipyridamole infusion.
If adenosine is used instead, it is infused over a
period of 6 minutes (dosage, 0.14 mg/kg/min),
and the radiopharmaceutical is injected between
3 and 4½ minutes after the start of the adenosine
infusion. All patients who receive regadenoson
also receive 150 mg of intravenous aminophylline at least 3–4 minutes after the radiotracer
injection, to prevent delayed side effects (8).
Dvorak et al
Aminophylline is also administered after dipyridamole but is not required after adenosine unless
bronchospasm occurs, because of the extremely
short biologic half-life of adenosine (10 seconds).
Whenever possible, patients undergoing pharmacologic stress induction with a vasodilator also
complete a limited exercise protocol tailored to
their physical ability. The combination of walking
with pharmacologic induction of stress has been
shown to decrease medication-related side effects
and reduce gastrointestinal uptake of the radiotracer, and it may also increase the diagnostic
sensitivity of the examination (9–12).
Image Acquisition Protocol
After a delay, the duration of which depends on
the stress induction protocol (15 minutes with
exercise, 45–60 minutes with the use of a pharmacologic agent), the patient undergoes electrocardiography (ECG)-gated myocardial perfusion
imaging with a SPECT/CT system (Symbia T16
Truepoint; Siemens, Hoffman Estates, Ill]). The
patient is positioned supine on the table with his
or her arms raised straight above the head and a
nylon belt wrapped snugly around the abdomen
to minimize respiratory motion. First, low-dose
(0.2–0.4-mSv) end-tidal expiratory breath-hold
CT is performed (110 kVp, 15 mAs) to obtain
an attenuation map. ECG-gated SPECT is then
performed with a frame rate of eight to 16 frames
per cardiac cycle, with forward-backward gating
allowing rejection of premature and postpremature heartbeats by using an acceptance window
of 20%–30% R-R (ie, beat-to-beat) variation in
cycle length on the ECG tracing. If any beats
are rejected, each projection should be acquired
for the same number of accepted beats or the
same acceptance time interval. A symmetric 15%
energy window is centered at 140 keV, the photopeak energy of 99mTc sestamibi. Low-energy
high-resolution parallel hole collimators are used.
Acquisition parameters include a 90° rotation
(with use of two camera heads) and a noncircular orbit with step-and-shoot acquisitions. The
SPECT images are then reconstructed to fit a
digital matrix of 128 × 128 pixels. Images without attenuation correction are reconstructed by
using the filtered back projection method, and
attenuation-corrected images are reconstructed
by using an iterative ordered subset expectation
maximum algorithm and filtering (10 iterations,
eight subsets; 9.6-mm Gaussian filter). The myocardial perfusion imaging dataset is carefully
coregistered with the CT attenuation map to produce the attenuation-corrected images (Fig 1).
2044 November-December 2011
Figure 1. Quality assurance comparison of the CT attenuation map before (a) and after (b) coregistration with the
raw SPECT image dataset (represented in color) is important to avoid artifacts on the final reconstructed SPECT/CT
images. In this case, the two datasets are properly coregistered.
Figure 2. (a) Single frame
from a rotating cinematic display of a raw SPECT image dataset shows normal physiologic
activity of the radiotracer in the
heart (arrow), liver (light area
to the left of the heart, mostly
between the two white lines),
and bowel (light areas below
the white lines). (b) Sinogram
shows a smooth, continuous
contour, with no sign of disruption by patient motion.
Figure 3. Single frame from a rotating cinematic display
of a raw SPECT image dataset demonstrates abnormal
uptake of 99mTc sestamibi in the left breast (arrow). Although this finding is nonspecific, it is highly suggestive of
the presence of a breast malignancy, which was confirmed
at biopsy. It is important to review the raw datasets for abnormal areas of extracardiac uptake of 99mTc sestamibi.
Image Display
Before interpreting the SPECT/CT perfusion
images, the radiologist should complete several
important preliminary steps for quality control.
First, the raw datasets should be reviewed in cinematic display to determine whether any artifact
due to patient movement or respiratory motion
or any extracardiac uptake is present (Fig 2).
Extracardiac radiotracer activity can degrade the
quality of cardiac perfusion images; however,
it also may allow the detection of unsuspected
disease processes. Although uptake of 99mTc
sestamibi and 99mTc tetrofosmin is nonspecific,
malignancies such as lymphoma and breast cancer have been detected as regions of extracardiac
radiotracer activity at perfusion imaging (Fig 3).
The sinogram also may be reviewed for extracardiac uptake (eg, in the lungs or esophagus) and
motion-related artifact, which is manifested as
discontinuities or breaks in the normally smooth
curvature of the sinogram (13).
Next, the ECG-gated stress-only images and
stress-rest images obtained with and without
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Dvorak et al
Figure 4. Polar maps show abnormal left ventricular myocardial perfusion in the
territory of the left anterior descending coronary artery. The maps provide a twodimensional view of the entire three-dimensional left ventricular myocardium, which
is segmented (blue radial lines) into the territories of the left anterior descending
(LAD), left circumflex (LCX), and right coronary (RCA) arteries. The central region represents the cardiac apex, and each ring of activity proceeding outward from
the center is a step closer to the base (mitral valve plane). Perfusion map (upper
left) represents the raw dataset from the perfusion study, with counts of radiotracer
activity (from 0 to 1551, the peak count in this heart) shown in the color scale. Normalized map (upper right) shows activity counts from the perfusion map that have
been normalized to 100% of the peak counts in the heart so that they can be compared with the counts in a database of maps from subjects with normal perfusion.
Database (DB) mean map (lower left) shows the mean distribution of activity from
the normal database cases against which the normalized counts from this individual
patient will be compared. Defect blackout map (lower right), the result of this comparison, is created by blacking out all sample locations from the normalized map
that show activity more than 2.5 standard deviations below the database norms.
attenuation correction are displayed in both traditional cardiac planes and as polar maps (Fig
4). Polar maps are two-dimensional displays of
the three-dimensional distribution of radiotracer
activity in the left ventricle. A single polar map
shows quantified perfusion data for the entire
left ventricle, which typically comprises approximately 500 data points of equal geometric
volume. The center of the polar map represents
the cardiac apex. As the eye moves outward from
the center of apical activity, one contoured colorcoded “ring” at a time, areas of the left ventricle
that are closer to the base of the heart are seen;
the cardiac base and mitral valve plane compose
the outermost region shown on the polar map.
Myocardial perfusion values displayed on polar
maps are normalized to the region of myocardium that has the highest counts. Each data
point on the polar map is assigned a number and
color corresponding to the radiotracer activity
at that point, with activity being calculated as a
percentage of the maximal left ventricular uptake
(normalized). The normalized map thus obtained
is then compared with a database of normalized
polar maps previously obtained in subjects with
2046 November-December 2011
Figure 5. Summary screen from an attenuation-corrected stress (StrAC)-rest (RstAC) myocardial perfusion imaging
examination performed with SPECT/CT shows a large reversible cardiac perfusion defect in the territory of the left
anterior descending artery (ie, the anterior, septal, and apical walls) (arrows). Cross-hatching on the defect blackout
map is indicative of a reversible perfusion defect (arrowhead). ACI = attenuation-corrected images, GADENO TC =
ECG-gated stress imaging with regadenoson and a 99mTc-labeled tracer, GREST TC = ECG-gated rest imaging with
a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical
long axis (septum to lateral wall).
verified normal left ventricular perfusion (14),
from which the means and standard deviations of
radiotracer activity in each of 500 sampled data
points have been calculated.
Image Interpretation and Reporting
The stress and rest images displayed in the traditional cardiac planes may be reviewed separately
from or simultaneously with the normalized polar
map and database comparison map. The finding
on stress images of a perfusion defect in a region
that appears normal on rest images (ie, a reversible defect) is suggestive of myocardial ischemia
(Fig 5). The finding on stress images of a perfusion defect that appears identical on rest images
(ie, a fixed defect) could be either an attenuation
artifact or an area of myocardial infarction (Fig 6).
ECG-gated stress images are often helpful for differentiating between the two: An area of infarction
exhibits abnormal wall motion and wall thickening, whereas an attenuation artifact shows normal
wall motion and normal wall thickness. However,
the distinction between the two may be less visible in the presence of diffuse systolic dysfunction
produced by an underlying myopathic process.
Attenuation-corrected stress and rest images are of
great value in such cases because they do not show
a defect that is an attenuation artifact.
Polar map displays and semiquantitative segmental scoring have greatly improved the detection and characterization of perfusion defects
at myocardial perfusion imaging. The most frequently used polar map display is the so-called
blackout map. On blackout maps, any sample
locations of the individual patient’s normalized
polar map that have perfusion values below a
designated threshold defining abnormality are displayed in black, while areas with perfusion values
above this threshold retain their normalized color
intensity. A designated threshold of 2.5 standard
deviations below the normal database mean for
each sample location is commonly used to identify
perfusion defects. Areas of abnormal perfusion on
stress images that do not meet the threshold for
abnormal perfusion on rest images are automatically depicted with superimposed cross-hatching,
which indicates the reversible nature of the perfusion defect. Last, a segmental scoring map can
be generated from which a summed stress score,
summed rest score, and summed difference score
can be calculated. For segmental scoring, the left
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Figure 6. Summary screen from stress (Str)-rest (Rst) myocardial perfusion imaging performed with SPECT/CT.
Perfusion images and polar maps demonstrate a large fixed anteroseptal perfusion defect, a finding indicative of an infarct in the territory of the left anterior descending artery (arrows). Defect blackout map shows a blackened region
without cross-hatching (arrowhead), a feature indicative of a fixed perfusion defect (infarction). FBP = filtered back
projection images, GADENO = GADENO TC = ECG-gated stress imaging with regadenoson and a 99mTc-labeled
tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), REST TC = rest imaging with a 99mTc-labeled
tracer, VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
Figure 7. Diagrams show the summed stress score (SSS), summed rest score (SRS), and
summed difference score (SDS) from the same SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging
examination as in Figure 6. A summed stress score of 12 indicates an intermediate risk for a
hard cardiac event over the subsequent 12 months. Summed stress scores of less than 3 are
considered normal, whereas scores of 4–7, 8–12, and 13 or higher are indicative of low,
intermediate, and high risk for a hard cardiac event.
ventricle on a polar map display is divided into
17 segments of equal volume, each of which is
assigned a perfusion score between 0 and 4 (Fig
7). A score of 0 represents no significant difference between the patient’s stress perfusion data
and the database norm. A score of 1 represents an
equivocal or mild reduction in perfusion, 2 represents moderately reduced perfusion, 3 represents
severely reduced perfusion, and 4 indicates absent
perfusion. The summed stress score for the left
ventricle then is used to determine the risk for a
future hard cardiac event (15). It must be emphasized that the polar maps do not replace perfusion
images in the traditional cardiac planes but instead
2048 November-December 2011
Guidelines for Interpreting and Reporting Findings at Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Perfusion defect size
Small (<10% of total left ventricular volume)
Moderate (10%–20% of total left ventricular volume)
Large (20%–40% of total left ventricular volume)
Extensive (>40% of total left ventricular volume)
Perfusion defect severity (semiquantitative segmental scoring)
Mild (<40% decrease from database norm; score of 1 or 2)
Moderate (40%–60% decrease from database norm; score of 2)
Severe (>60% decrease from database norm; score of 3)
Absent perfusion (no activity; score of 4)
Perfusion defect location
Cardiac wall (anterior, septal, inferior, lateral, or apical)
Expected coronary artery involvement
Perfusion defect reversibility indicators
Cross-hatching of the perfusion defect on the stress image–based polar map
Improvement by 2 points or more in the semiquantitative segmental score, or an absolute
segmental score of 0 or 1, on rest images
Risk for future hard cardiac events
Normal risk (summed stress score, 0–3)
Low risk (summed stress score, 4–7)
Intermediate risk (summed stress score, 8–12)
High risk (summed stress score, >12)
Additional cardiac findings
Left ventricular wall motion and function (normal, hypokinetic [mildly, moderately, or
severely], akinetic, or dyskinetic)
Cardiac chamber size
Right ventricular perfusion and function
Presence of left ventricular dilatation during stress, transient ischemic dilatation
Extracardiac findings (radiotracer activity in adjacent tissues or organs)
are complementary, promoting more accurate and
more consistent reporting of myocardial perfusion
studies. The interpreting physician should carefully review both the images and the polar maps,
comparing the findings on both, and if differences
exist, should reconcile them before making a final
When a perfusion defect is identified, its location, size, severity, and reversibility must be reported. Consistency in reporting can be of great
value to referring clinicians and may be especially
important in cases where previous perfusion
imaging studies are available for comparison.
Characterization of the size and severity of a
defect can be subjective, varying between interpreting physicians, but the use of a quantitative
software program along with predetermined size
and severity criteria can enhance the consistency
of interobserver and intraobserver interpretations
and help standardize the reporting of perfusion
defects. The location of the defect should be described in regard to the left ventricular wall and
the coronary vascular territory likely to be involved. Finally, the degree of reversibility should
be described. If an area of infarcted myocardium
with a fixed defect has perfusion greater than
50% of the database norm, it is considered to be
at least partially viable (16).
In addition to the perfusion data, a complete
nuclear cardiology report includes several other
components. The cardiac chamber size, left ventricular wall motion, and right ventricular perfusion and wall motion should be reported. Stressinduced transient ischemic dilatation, a finding
that is indicative of severe and extensive coronary
artery disease and a high risk for a hard cardiac
event, also should be reported. As previously
discussed, any abnormal extracardiac uptake, although it may be nonspecific, should be included
in the report. The type of stress protocol used
should be specified. If an exercise protocol was
used, the total exercise time, peak exercise heart
rate and blood pressure, doubled product of the
RG • Volume 31
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Dvorak et al
Figure 8. Summary screen from stress-only myocardial perfusion imaging performed with SPECT/CT in a
380-pound female patient shows a large apparent perfusion defect in the anterolateral myocardial wall (arrows) on images obtained without attenuation correction (Str), whereas attenuation-corrected images (StrAC) show no evidence
of a defect at this site (arrowheads). These findings are indicative of a soft tissue attenuation artifact that was
eliminated with attenuation correction. ACI = attenuation-corrected images, FBP = filtered back projection images,
GSTRESS TC = ECG-gated stress images obtained with a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal
long axis (inferior to anterior), SA = short axis, VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
peak heart rate and the systolic blood pressure
used for attenuation correction, metabolic equivalent of task (the ratio obtained by dividing the rate
of energy consumption during physical activity
by a reference metabolic rate or the rate of energy
consumption during rest), relevant changes in the
ECG tracing, and chest pain should be reported.
The criteria used for interpreting and reporting
findings at myocardial perfusion imaging at the
authors’ institution are summarized in the Table.
Attenuation Correction and Artifacts
Attenuation of photons within the body has long
been recognized as a major factor limiting the
specificity of SPECT for the detection of myocardial perfusion defects. The impact of attenuation
artifacts on the quality of the final reconstructed
images depends on the attenuation characteristics of the tissues imaged and the energy of the
radiotracer. Various attenuation correction methods have been used. When used in conjunction
with quantitative analysis, they can significantly
increase the specificity of SPECT myocardial
perfusion imaging.
Artifacts of Soft Tissue Attenuation
Soft tissue attenuation in the breast is a relatively common source of artifactual decreases
in radiotracer activity in the anterior myocardial
wall and may affect the depiction of activity in
the septal and lateral walls as well, depending
on the individual patient’s body habitus (Fig
8). If the breast is in the same position during
stress and rest imaging, the apparent perfusion
defect will be present on both sets of images.
If the ECG-gated SPECT perfusion images in
such cases demonstrate normal wall motion and
normal wall thickness, the apparent fixed defect
is an artifact of soft tissue attenuation instead
2050 November-December 2011
Figure 9. Summary screen from attenuation-corrected stress-only myocardial perfusion imaging performed with
SPECT/CT in a normal subject shows different results with the subject supine (Sup) and prone (Pr): A moderate-sized
apparent perfusion defect is seen in the anterior myocardial wall on supine images (arrows), whereas perfusion appears
normal at this site on prone images (arrowhead). The apparent perfusion defect seen in this case is an artifact of soft
tissue (breast) attenuation. GSTRESS TC [ACI] = supine ECG-gated stress imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer (attenuation-corrected images), HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), PSTRESS TC [PACB] =
prone free-breathing stress imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer (attenuation-corrected images), VLA (SEP → LAT) =
vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
of an area of myocardial infarction. Additional
clues to the artifactual nature of such a defect
may include a noncoronary distribution of the
abnormality and the observation of large, dense
breasts at cinematic review of the raw images.
The inferior myocardial wall is a common site
of fixed or variable attenuation artifacts produced
by the left hemidiaphragm. Again, if no perfusion
defect is present, the ECG-gated SPECT perfusion images demonstrate normal wall motion and
normal wall thickness, confirming the artifactual
nature of the abnormalities.
With use of an attenuation correction method
such as a low-dose breath-hold CT scan obtained
on a hybrid SPECT/CT system, a substantial
number of these artifacts can be corrected (17).
Attenuation-corrected images from a particular
patient then can be compared both qualitatively
and quantitatively with attenuation-corrected
images in databases from patients with normal
cardiac perfusion. In addition, if breast attenuation degrades the quality of cardiac perfusion
images, the imaging examination can be repeated
with the patient in the prone position. Prone
positioning of the patient may be helpful because
it changes the position of the breast with respect
to the heart and may decrease the degree of soft
tissue attenuation (Fig 9).
Artifacts of Subdiaphragmatic Radiotracer Activity
Because of the hepatobiliary excretion of 99mTclabeled radiotracers, prominent subdiaphragmatic
activity may be seen in organs adjacent to the
heart, predominantly the liver and bowel but also
occasionally the stomach. Subdiaphragmatic radiotracer activity can affect myocardial perfusion
imaging in several ways: First, scatter radiation
from the radiotracer can lead to an appearance
of increased perfusion in the inferior myocardial
wall that might mask a true perfusion defect in
this region, especially when the effect of scatter
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Figure 10. Attenuation-corrected resting
myocardial perfusion
images obtained with
radiotracer activity in
the bowel (arrow), a
feature that masks the
inferior wall defect
evident on delayed
images (arrowhead).
vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
Figure 11. Summary screen from an attenuation-corrected stress myocardial perfusion imaging examination (StrAC[1])
performed with SPECT/CT shows an extensive artifact in the inferior wall on images and polar maps. The artifact was
caused by normalization errors produced by subdiaphragmatic scatter radiation. Repeat imaging (StrAC[2]) after clearance of the radiotracer from abdominal organs showed normal perfusion at the site of the apparent defect. ACI = attenuation-corrected images, GSTRESS TC = ECG-gated stress imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT)
= horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), SA = short axis, STRESS TC2 = delayed stress imaging after clearance of
the radiotracer from abdominal organs, VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
is combined with partial volume effects (Fig 10).
As mentioned earlier, the myocardial perfusion
values displayed on polar maps are normalized
to the region of myocardium that has the highest
count of radiotracer activity. If the highest count is
artificially elevated because of scatter from subdiaphragmatic locations or superimposition of sub-
diaphragmatic radiotracer activity on the inferior
myocardial wall, the remainder of the left ventricle
may appear to have relatively low activity simulating an extensive perfusion defect (Fig 11).
2052 November-December 2011
Figure 12. (a) Summary screen from a stress-only myocardial perfusion imaging examination performed with
SPECT/CT shows small perfusion defects in the anterior and inferior walls (arrows) on images and maps obtained
with the patient supine (Str [Sup]), and normal perfusion (arrowheads) on repeat images obtained with the patient
prone (Str [Pr]). GSTRESS TC [FBP] = supine ECG-gated stress imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer and filtered
back projection, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), PSTRESS TC [PFBP] = prone
free-breathing stress imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer and prone filtered back projection, VLA (SEP → LAT) =
vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall). (b) Three frames from the cinematic display of raw datasets obtained during supine perfusion imaging show substantial cardiac motion. Imaging with the patient prone helps decrease cardiac motion–related artifacts.
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Number 7
Artifacts related to subdiaphragmatic radiotracer activity can be difficult to eliminate, but
several options exist. The image acquisition may
be repeated after a delay to allow clearance of the
radiotracer from regions adjacent to the heart
(18). As with soft tissue attenuation artifacts,
repeat imaging with the patient in the prone
position can help minimize artifacts caused by
subdiaphragmatic radiotracer activity because the
distance between the heart and the subdiaphragmatic organs may be decreased (19,20). Last,
for patients who are unable to achieve symptomlimited maximal exercise-induced stress, it may
be helpful to combine the administration of a
vasodilator with a low-level exercise protocol tailored to the abilities of the individual patient. The
additional exercise-induced stress, even that induced by low-level exercise, may prevent subdiaphragmatic activity by reducing splanchnic blood
flow to the viscera (21).
Artifacts of Patient Motion
Patient motion, most frequently that related to
respiration, is one of the most common sources
of artifacts at myocardial perfusion imaging.
Motion-related artifacts are best detected by
carefully reviewing the raw images with a rotating cinematic display. Evaluation of the sinogram
for discontinuities may be especially useful for
detecting movement. In the presence of a motion artifact, the heart will be seen in different
locations on adjacent SPECT projection images.
When the raw projection data are back-projected
onto the volume reconstruction matrix, there will
be inconsistencies that the algorithm cannot correct for, and the resultant artifactual defects may
mimic perfusion abnormalities (22). If a substantial amount of motion is detected during a study
with a 99mTc-labeled radiotracer, repeat imaging
can be performed without a second radiotracer
injection because the distribution of 99mTclabeled radiotracers remains relatively fixed for
as long as 2 hours (Fig 12). Alternatively, motion
Dvorak et al
correction software is available that may be useful for eliminating misregistration due to slight or
moderate motion. As with any imaging study, it is
paramount that the technologist performing the
examination make the patient as comfortable as
possible and instruct the patient so as to prevent
motion-related artifacts.
Artifacts of Misregistration
With current SPECT/CT systems, the low-dose
CT data obtained for attenuation correction and
the SPECT image data are acquired sequentially,
and patient movement may occur between the
two types of acquisitions. Although most new
SPECT/CT systems include software to align the
SPECT and CT datasets, misregistration may
occur if care is not taken in the acquisition and
processing of the datasets and may lead to new
and unexpected kinds of artifacts. The results
of SPECT/CT studies in phantoms and human
subjects have shown that even a registration
error of as little as 7 mm can lead to a substantial degradation in the quality of attenuationcorrected images (23). Such findings emphasize
the importance of a careful review of the CT
attenuation map and verification of its accurate
coregistration with the SPECT images (Fig 13).
The goal of image coregistration is to precisely
superimpose, in all three dimensions, the cardiac
radiotracer activity data from the SPECT scan
and the cardiac attenuation data from the CT
scan. Inadvertent superimposition of myocardial
radiotracer activity on the lung can produce artifacts simulating large and severe perfusion defects, most commonly in the lateral wall (24).
2054 November-December 2011
RG • Volume 31
Number 7
Dvorak et al
Figure 14. Summary screen from an attenuation-corrected stress (StrAC)-rest (RstAC) myocardial perfusion
imaging examination performed with SPECT/CT in a patient with a left bundle branch block. Defect blackout
maps from stress imaging show a small reversible perfusion defect in the midseptum (arrows), but this region
appears normal on the rest images, and the septum is an unusual location for isolated coronary artery disease.
Septal perfusion defects, whether reversible or fixed, are most likely to represent left bundle branch block–related
artifacts. ACI = attenuation-corrected images, GADENO TC = ECG-gated stress imaging with regadenoson and
a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), REST TC = rest imaging
with a 99mTc-labeled tracer, VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall).
Artifacts of Left Bundle Branch Block
Patients with a left bundle branch block who
undergo perfusion imaging during exercise- or
dobutamine-induced stress (which is associated with a significantly increased heart rate
in comparison with the resting heart rate) may
appear to have a reversible or fixed septal perfusion defect (25). The exact etiology of these
apparent septal defects is uncertain; however,
the decrease in septal blood flow that is seen at
higher heart rates may be related to asynchronous septal contraction resulting directly from
the perturbed activation sequence in patients
with left bundle branch block and from incomplete relaxation of the septum during diastole.
Diastole is the only phase of the cardiac cycle in
which left ventricular myocardial perfusion occurs; and when the heart rate increases, it does
so primarily because of a shortening of diastole,
with little effect on the duration of systole. As
a result of the conduction delay inherent in left
bundle branch block, the relatively limited time
for septal myocardial blood flow is accentuated
by the increased heart rate during exercise- or
dobutamine-induced stress. Thus, the apparent
septal defect is often more pronounced when
stress is induced by exercise or by dobutamine,
which push the heart rate higher, than when
stress is induced by vasodilators, which generally have a limited effect on heart rate (Fig 14)
Figure 13. (a, b) Summary screens from an attenuation-corrected stress (StrAC)-rest (RstAC) myocardial perfusion
imaging examination performed with SPECT/CT in a patient with chest pain. Initial screen shows a large reversible
perfusion defect in the lateral and anterolateral wall (arrow in a), an artifact that is due to misregistration of the CT
attenuation map and SPECT image dataset. Summary screen obtained after re-registration of the SPECT and CT
datasets (b) shows normal perfusion at the site of the apparent perfusion defect in a. ACI = attenuation-corrected images, GADENO TC = ECG-gated stress imaging with regadenoson and a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) =
horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), REST TC = rest imaging with a 99mTc-labeled tracer, VLA (SEP → LAT) =
vertical long axis (septum to lateral wall). (c) Fused SPECT/CT image obtained after the first postprocessing attempt
(left) shows a defect in coregistration, with projection of the lateral wall of myocardium over the lung field (arrowhead).
Fused image obtained after proper coregistration of the SPECT and CT datasets (right) shows normal perfusion.
2056 November-December 2011
Figure 15. Summary screen from a stress-only myocardial perfusion imaging examination performed with SPECT/
CT, with (StrAC) and without (Str) attenuation correction, shows an apparent small perfusion defect at the cardiac
apex on both sets of images (arrows). This commonly observed feature is produced by apical thinning, and it should
not be confused with a true perfusion defect; note that left ventricular wall motion and thickness appear normal. ACI =
attenuation-corrected images, FBP = filtered back projection images, GSTRESS TC = ECG-gated stress imaging with
a 99mTc-labeled tracer, HLA (INF → ANT) = horizontal long axis (inferior to anterior), VLA (SEP → LAT) = vertical
long axis (septum to lateral wall).
(26). In addition to the appearance of a septal
perfusion defect, ECG-gated SPECT studies
often demonstrate asynchronous, hypokinetic, or
paradoxical septal wall motion. However, while
septal motion may be abnormal, normal septal
wall thickness is often preserved in the presence of left bundle branch block. A left bundle
branch block–induced perfusion defect typically
spares the apex and anterior wall segments. Any
involvement of these regions is suggestive of the
presence of concomitant obstructive stenosis of
the left anterior descending coronary artery.
Effects of Normal Apical Thinning
Apical thinning is a normal anatomic finding and
is commonly seen. The etiology of this finding is
multifactorial. In some people, thinning may be
more prominent than usual and may simulate a
perfusion defect. Apical thinning is more apparent on attenuation-corrected images and may be
accentuated by the scatter correction and resolution recovery processes that are commonly incorporated in the reconstruction of attenuationcorrected images. In addition, because the apex
is closest to the detector, the spatial resolution
of the normally thin apical segments of the left
ventricle is greater than that of other segments.
Apparent perfusion defects resulting from apical
thinning are best seen on vertical and horizontal
long-axis cardiac images and polar map displays
(Fig 15). ECG-gated stress and rest SPECT images in such cases will show normal wall motion
and normal wall thickening. With matching stress
and rest perfusion patterns, recognition of preserved wall function confirms that the apparent
perfusion defect is prominent apical thinning and
not infarcted myocardium.
Accurate interpretation of SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion imaging studies requires both a
working knowledge of potential abnormalities
and a thorough understanding of the artifacts
that can occur in image data acquisition and processing. Factors such as patient motion and improper alignment of the raw SPECT and CT image datasets can lead to propagation of artifacts
on the final images. The attenuation-corrected
images can often help eliminate defects produced
by soft tissue attenuation. However, attenuation
RG • Volume 31
Number 7
correction itself may introduce artifacts if the anatomic and scintigraphic images are misregistered
in the process. The type of stress study performed
also may affect the outcome, because left bundle
branch block–related artifacts are accentuated by
physical stress and minimized by pharmacologic
stress. Review of the raw SPECT and CT images
as well as the final reconstructed images can help
prevent misdiagnoses due to artifacts.
Acknowledgments.—The authors thank Carol Kruise
for her help in preparing the manuscript and modifying the images, and Jeff Meden for his assistance with
image selection.
Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest.—J.R.C.:
Related financial activities: none. Other financial activities: partner, INVIA Medical Imaging Solutions.
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Teaching Points
November-December Issue 2011
Interpretation of SPECT/CT Myocardial Perfusion Images: Common Artifacts and Quality Control Techniques
Ryan A. Dvorak, MD • Richard K. J. Brown, MD • James R. Corbett, MD
RadioGraphics 2011; 31:2041–2057 • Published online 10.1148/rg.317115090 • Content Codes:
Page 2046
ECG-gated stress images are often helpful for differentiating between the two: An area of infarction exhibits
abnormal wall motion and wall thickening, whereas an attenuation artifact shows normal wall motion and
normal wall thickness.
Page 2048
When a perfusion defect is identified, its location, size, severity, and reversibility must be reported.
Page 2053 (Figure on page 2052)
If a substantial amount of motion is detected during a study with a 99mTc-labeled radiotracer, repeat imaging can be performed without a second radiotracer injection because the distribution of 99mTc-labeled
radiotracers remains relatively fixed for as long as 2 hours (Fig 12).
Page 2053
The goal of image coregistration is to precisely superimpose, in all three dimensions, the cardiac radiotracer activity data from the SPECT scan and the cardiac attenuation data from the CT scan.
Page 2055
Patients with a left bundle branch block who undergo perfusion imaging during exercise- or dobutamine-induced stress (which is associated with a significantly increased heart rate in comparison with
the resting heart rate) may appear to have a reversible or fixed septal perfusion defect (25).