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Çevre Yönetimi (ENG)

Certification body of TÜV Thüringen e.V.
Rudolstädter Straße 41, D – 07745 Jena
Revision: 01/2008
Tel. +0 36 41/39 97-40/ Fax +0 36 41/39 97-71
E-Mail zertifizierung@tuev-thueringen.de
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Additional questionnaire environmental management
For combined offers for Certification with other management systems
Certification according to ISO 14001
Validation according to EMAS
This list of questions serves for the collection of information in the context of contract examination (preparation and checking of the offer) as well as for the preparation in the assessment method by the certification
body/organization of environmental expert opinion. It is component of the process documentation.
Details on the desired contact
 Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001
 Validation in accordance with regulation (EC) no. 761/2001
 Certification/Validation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 and regulation (EC) no. 761/2001
 Certification in accordance with decree for specialized enterprises for waste disposal
 Other: ___________________________________________
 not yet decided
Details on the environmental relevance of the organization
Please, indicate separately (if necessary use enclosure) for every location/branch to be certified
Which essential environmental influences appear?
(e.g. emissions into the air, noise, sewage, floor consumption, energy and water consumption, waste)
by the production plants and processes:
by raw materials, auxiliary materials and used substances (e.g. chemicals, cooling smearing substances, cleaning agents etc.):
by the products (e.g. energy consumption, life time, disposal etc.):
Do you operate plants with a special environmental relevance?
Plants subject to authorization e.g. according to pollution protection, waste or water right etc. :
Plants with special safety and environmental risks
(e.g. coming under the disruptive incident/Seveso II guideline:)
Other plants
(e.g. plants for the emission reduction and purification of sewage, painting plants, gas stations, storeplaces for hazardous materials/water-polluting substances -- please indicate performance or store quantity):
For which business exist representatives for environmental protection on legal basis or voluntary orders in
your company?
 Disruptive incident
 Dangerous goods
 Prevention of water pollution  Pollution protection
 Waste
 Radiation protection
Rev. 01.08
Certification body of TÜV Thüringen e.V.
Rudolstädter Straße 41, D – 07745 Jena
Revision: 01/2008
Tel. +0 36 41/39 97-40/ Fax +0 36 41/39 97-71
E-Mail zertifizierung@tuev-thueringen.de
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Are the following boundary conditions correct? (Please cross where applicable:)
There are special requirements to internal logistics, because processes are extended over several buildings on a
big area or over several locations
in comparison with the number of employees, it is a very big/extensive location
in comparison with the number of employees, it is a very little location (e.g. pure office location)
the production processes are very complex or activities consist of a proportionally large number of different activities
a very high percentage of employees executes uniform simple activities
there are essential processes which take place exclusively in the night shift
the location has the responsibility for the development of products with environment relevant qualities
the location has more general responsibilities for other locations/branch offices (central functions)
atypical environmental aspects have to be taken into account (if yes, which one)?
the organization has already other management systems (if yes, which ones)?
when certified?
by whom?
Classification to EA/NACE - code (detail only if known):
If branch offices/branches shall be included in the certification/validation, then please make statements also
for these plants as above for questions under § 4.
Management system
There is only one management system representative (for QMS=EMS)
there is a common (integrated) management system manual
there is one Management system responsible person for various tasks (e.g. internal auditor, member for QM and
Assessment of the quality and environmental aspects following the same or similar requirements (e.g. FMEA)
Contemporaneous QM and EM-audit is possible
Assessment per random sampling at several uniform locations
Please fill in only when a assessment per random sample is desired
All locations are similar with regard to the processes and environmental consequences
(if no, please explain situation):
All locations work according to the same system which is managed and audited centrally, and which is subject to
a central EM-assessment ( if no, please explain situation):
All locations have been audited with the internal audit method ( if no, please explain situation):
Signature/firm stamp
Rev. 01.08