Curriculum Vitae - school of applied sciences

School of Applied Sciences
Celal Bayar University
Manisa. Turkey
Phone +90 (236) 237 1828
Fax +90 (236) 237 9510
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name & Surname: Hakan ATLI
2. Title: Research Assistant
3. Education:
Business Administration
Celal Bayar University
International Business
9 Eylul University
Business Administration
Celal Bayar University
4. Work Experience:
Research Assistant
Celal Bayar University, School
of Applied Sciences
2004 -
Academic Work:
Field of Major Professional Interests
Marketing, International Business and Trade (Born Global Companies, Family Businesses).
Atlı, H. (2007). “Aile Şirketlerinde Genç Neslin Kurumsallaşmaya Bakış Açısı Üzerine Bir
Uygulama”, (An Application on the Attitude of Family Businesses Toward
Institutionalization).Unpublished Masters Dissertation. Institute Of Social Sciences 9 Eylul
University. Izmir, Turkey.
Refereed Paper Presentations
Onay M., Yılmazer M., Atlı, H., (2006). “Uluslararasılaşma ve Organizasyonel Büyüme: Aile
Şirketlerinde Teknolojik Gelişme ve Internet Kullanımının Etkisi” (Internationalization
and Organizational Growth: Technological Developments in Family Companies and the
Impact of Internet Usage), 5th International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress,
Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey.
Atlı, H., (2008). “Doğuştan Küresel İşletme Olgusu” (The Born Global Phenomenon), 7.
Anadolu İsletmecilik Kongresi, Hitit Üniversitesi, Çorum, Türkiye.
Atlı, H., Kuğu, T., (2008). “Transfer Fiyatlamaya Konu İşlemler ve Ülkeler arası Karşılaştırma”
(Procedures Related to Transfer Pricing and Cross-Country Comparison), 7. Anadolu
İsletmecilik Kongresi, Hitit Üniversitesi, Çorum, Türkiye.
Sinerji Odakları Projesi (2004), CBÜ-KOSGEB, Manisa.
Synergy Centers Project (2004), Celal Bayar University- Republic of Turkey, Small and
Medium Size Enterprises Development Organization, Manisa.
Other Academic Activities
X. Dış Ticaret ve Gençlik Kurultayı (Foreign Trade and Youth Congress, Organized by
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy), 2007, Ankara. (Adviser Lecturer).
XI. Dış Ticaret ve Gençlik Kurultayı (Foreign Trade and Youth Congress, Organized by
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy), 2007, Ankara. (Adviser Lecturer).
6. Certification
2002: Foreign Trade Training Program- Izmir Chamber of Commerce (120 hours)
2002: Import and Export Financing- Izmir Chamber of Commerce (100 hours)
2002- 2003: Business and Human Relations, Time Management, Total Quality Management,
Human Resource Management, CE Marking, Globalization and Competitiveness- Elginkan
Foundation Scholary And Technical Education Central (7-14 hours)
2008: Foreign Trade Training Program- IGEME&Aegean Exports’ Association (24 hours)
2009: Scientific Research Seminar-8th Anatolia Business Congress, Celal Bayar University, (8
2011: Project Design and Executive Training Program - Zafer Development Agency & Celal
Bayar University (40 hours)