DETERMINING OF AGRONOMIC AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF Citronella (Cymbopogon spp.) SPECIES IN ANTALYA CONDÝTÝON Saadet TUÐRUL AY¹ Kenan TURGUT² ¹ Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Aksu/Antalya ² Mediterranean University Agriculture Faculty Field Crops Department, Antalya Citronella (Cymbopogon spp.) is a medicinal and aromatic plant whose oil have economic importance in the world. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of different three row space some agronomic and quality traits of Citronella (Cymbopogon spp.) species. The present study was conducted at the experiment field of Batý Akdeniz Research Institute in Antalya with three replicates randomized complete plot design. Essential oil components were analized with Gas Cromotogrofi (GC). The research results showed that in Citronella (Cymbopogon spp.) species, the highest mean values on plant height (73.03 cm), branch number (8.67), leaf number (49.86), green and dry herbage yield (453.33, 175.00 kg/da) respectively and essential oil yield (11.5 l/da) and essential oil rate (2.6%) were obtained from 30 cm row space. (-) Carvone (34.78%), á-Humulene (30.25%) â-Myrcene (9.10%), (-) Carveol (5.83%), Myrtenal (1.98%), (-) Bornylacetate (1.20%) were determined as a main component of essential oil. KEYWORDS: Citronella (Cymbopogon spp.), essential oil and components, drog herba DETERMINING OF AGRONOMIC AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF Phlomis lycia SPECIES IN THE FLORA OF ANTALYA Saadet TUÐRUL AY¹ Kenan TURGUT² Orhan Ünal³ Ramazan Göktürk³ ¹ Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Aksu/Antalya ² Mediterranean University Agriculture Faculty Field Crops Department, Antalya ³ Mediterranean University Biyology Department, Antalya The objectives of this study were to determine some agronomic and quality traits of Phlomis lycia (Jerusalem sage) species collected from the flora of Antalya. The present study was conducted at the experiment field of Batý Akdeniz Research Institute in Antalya with three replicates randomized complete plot design. Essential oil components were analized with Gas Cromotogrofi (GC). The research results showed that in Phlomis lycia, the highest mean values on plant height (63.07 cm), branch number (21.60), green and dry herbage yield (1330.33, 676.00 kg/da) respectively and essential oil yield (14.2 l/da) were determined. The essential oil rate in wild (2.2%) and in field experiment (2.1%) at flores stage were obtained. Main components of Borneol (18.0%) and Cineole (15.6%) at flores stage from field experiment were obtained. From native, main components of Cineole (18.3%) and Borneol (16.3%) at flores stage were determined. KEYWORDS: Phlomis lycia, essential oil and components, drog herbage Essential Oil Content and Composition of Oregano (Origanum spp.) Species grown in Native and Field Conditions of Antalya Saadet TUÐRUL AY¹ Kenan TURGUT² ¹ Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Antalya, Turkey ² Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Antalya, Turkey The objectives of this study were to determine variability of essential oil content and composition of five oregano species (Origanum saccatum, O. solymicum, O .majorana, O. onites and O. vulgare subsp. hirtum) collected from the flora of Antalya. Essential oil components were determined before inflorescences, during inflorescences and after inflorescences of species grown in wild and field conditions. They were analyzed with Gas Cromotogrofi (GC). The highest essential oil rate were obtained from native O. majorana (%8.2) which was harvested during inflorescences and followed by field grown O. onites (%5.2). Eighteen compounds were identified in the essential oil of oregano species under studied conditions. In the field grown plants. Carvacrol which is a main component in oregano was found 56.90% in O. majorana before inflorescences, 42.90% in O. saccatum, 39.90% in O.vulgare subsp. hirtum, 29.20% in O. solymicum during inflorescences stage. Another main component, Linalool was found 80.90% in O. onites after inflorescences of field grown plants. In the native plants, Carvacrol was found as followed ; O. saccatum (34.20%) before inflorescences stage, O. majorana (52.40%), O. onites (31.80%) and O. vulgare subsp. hirtum (39.50%) during inflorescences. Native O. solymicum contains Linalool (20.10%) and Thymol (19.80%) as the main components. Essential oil components showed great variations within the species as well. Keywords: Oregano (Origanum spp.), essential oil and components FARKLI BÝTKÝ SIKLIÐININ REYHAN (Ocimum basilicum) ’nýn VERÝM VE KALÝTE ÖZELLÝKLERÝ ÜZERÝNE ETKÝLERÝ Saadet TUÐRUL AY¹ Kenan TURGUT² Esra UÇAR ² ¹, Batý Akdeniz Tarýmsal Araºtýrma Enstitüsü, ANTALYA ² Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, ANTALYA ², Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, ANTALYA Özet: Antalya koºullarýnda yetiºtirilen reyhan (Ocimum basilicum) bitkisinde, farklý bitki sýklýðýnýn çiçeklenme ve çiçeklenme sonrasý dönemlerde yeºil herba (kg/da), drog herba (kg/da) verimine, çiçeklenme döneminde bitki boyu (cm), uçucu yað oraný ve bileºenlerine (%) etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmýºtýr. Deneme, Batý Akdeniz Tarýmsal Araºtýrma Enstitüsü deneme alanýnda 2003 yýlýnda, tesadüf bloklarý deneme desenine göre 30, 40, 50 cm sýra arasý mesafeler kullanýlarak üç tekrarlamalý kurulmuºtur. Materyal olarak, bölgede yetiºtirilen populasyonlarýn tohumlarý kullanýlmýºtýr. Çiçeklenme döneminde, farklý sýra arasý mesafenin bitki boyu, taze ve kuru herba verimi üzerine etkilerinin istatistiki olarak önemli olduðu tespit edilmiºtir. En yüksek, 40 cm sýra arasý mesafede bitki boyu (46.93 cm), taze herba verimi (1813 kg/da) ve kuru herba verimi (353.3 kg/da) deðerleri elde edilmiºtir. Farklý sýra arasý mesafenin uçucu yað oraný üzerine etkisinin istatistiki olarak önemli olmadýðý belirlenmiºtir. Yapýlan içerik analizinde en yüksek Linalool (%46), á-Terpinen (%16), Borneol (%4.4) ve Linalyl acetat (%4.4), â-Myrecene (%2.1), Thymol (%1.7), Camphor (%1.4) olarak bulunmuºtur. Veriler deðerlendirildiðinde, Antalya koºullarýnda 40 cm sýra arasý mesafenin tarýmý için uygun olabileceði söylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Reyhan (Ocimum basilicum), verim, uçucu yað Abstract: The objectives of this study were to determine different plant density green and dry herbage yield (kg/da) at flores stage and after flores stage, plant length (cm), essential oil rate (%) and components at flores stage. The present study was conducted at the experiment field of Batý Akdeniz Research Institute in Antalya in 2003 with three replicates randomized complete plot design and was use 30, 40, 50 cm row space. Plant height, green and dry herbage were statistical significant at different row space. The highest mean plant height (46.9 cm), green (1813.3 kg/da) and dry (353.3 kg/da) herbage yield were obtained at 40 cm row space. Essential oil rate was not statistical significant at different row space. Linalool (%46), á-Terpinen (%16), Borneol (%4.4) ve Linalyl acetat (%4.4), âMyrecene (%2.1), Thymol (%1.7), Camphor (%1.4) were obtained at flores stage. 40 cm row space can be cultivated in Antalya conditions. Key words: Basil (Ocimum basilicum), yield, essential oil ANTALYA FLORASI’NDA YAYGIN OLARAK BULUNAN Salvia tomentosa TÜRÜNDE FARKLI LOKASYONLARIN KÖKLENDÝRME ÜZERÝNE ETKÝLERÝ Saadet TUÐRUL AY¹ Esra UÇAR ² Kenan TURGUT² ¹, Batý Akdeniz Tarýmsal Araºtýrma Enstitüsü, ANTALYA ² Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, ANTALYA ², Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, ANTALYA Özet:Antalya florasýnda oldukça yaygýn olarak bulunan Salvia tomentosa türünün 3000 ppm IBA dozunda yedi farklý lokasyonun köklenme durumlarý üzerine etkileri araºtýrýlmýºtýr. Deneme Batý Akdeniz Tarýmsal Araºtýrma Enstitüsü serasýnda (adet/çelik), kök yapýlmýºtýr. uzunluðu (cm) Köklenme özellikleri oraný (%), kök incelenmiºtir.En sayýsý yüksek köklenme oraný (%100) olarak 2’inci (Kemer-Kesme Boðazý, 1212 m) ve 5. lokasyonlardan (Akseki-Ýbradý köyü, 242 m) elde edilmiºtir. Kök sayýsý üzerinde farklý lokasyonlarýn etkileri istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuºtur. En yüksek ortalama deðeri 2’inci (Kemer-Kesme Boðazý, 1212 m) lokasyondan 13.3 adet/çelik olarak belirlenmiºtir. Kök uzunluðu istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmamýºtýr, en lokasyondan 5.9 cm elde edilmiºtir. yüksek ortalama deðeri 2’inci Anahtar Kelimeler: Salvia tomentosa,IBA, köklenme, çoðaltma Abstract: Salvia tomentosa is widespread grown plants in Antalya flore. The propagation possibilities of the species by stem cuttings were investigated at 3000 ppm IBA dose. The study was conducted at the experiment gren house of Batý Akdeniz Research Institute. Rooting ratio (%), root lenght (cm), root number (number/cutting) and rooting quality of cuttings were measured. The highest rooting ratio (%100) obtained from Kemer-Kesme boðazý (1212 m) and Akseki-Ýbradý (242 m) locations. The highest mean values of root number ( 13.3 number/cutting) and root lenght (5.9 cm)were obtained from Kemer-Kesme boðazý (1212 m). Root lenght was not statistical significant. Key words: Salvia tomentosa, IBA, rooting, propagation ROOTING PERFORMANCE OF SOME AROMATICAL PLANTS FROM LAMIACEAE TUÐRUL AY S., UÇAR E., TURGUT K. ¹ Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Antalya, Turkey ² Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Antalya, Turkey This study was carried out at the greehouses of department of BATEM to determine how the IBA treatment effected rooting duration of the cuttings of 10 species of Origanum, 6 species of Salvia, 4 species of Thymus, 3 species of Satureja, 1 species of Teucrium and 1 species of Doristatis. The experiment was arranged as randomised plot design with 3 replications. Before planting the cuttings are solaced by Iba solutions (Thymus spp. 2000 ppm, the others 3000 ppm) for 5 seconds. According to results obtained from experiments number of root was changed between 1 to 33,03 and root lenght was changed between 0.50 to 6,70 cm. The highest root number and the longest root lenght was obtained from Salvia fruticosa and the lowest root number and shortest root lenght was obtained from Satureja thymbrah. Keywords: Aromatical plants, root lenght, root nunber, IBA A CTAB-BASED DNA EXTRACTION PROTOCOL FOR LABIATAE SPECIES M. KARACA¹, S. TUÐRUL AY², K.TURGUT¹ ¹Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Antalya, Turkey ² Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Antalya, Turkey A CTAB-based DNA extraction protokol is described to obtain large scale, high molecular weight, restrictable and amplifiable nuclear, mitochondrial and chloplast DNAs from several LABIATAE species widely grown in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Spectrophotometer, restriction enzym digestions and PCR analyses along with agarose gel separation studies confirmed that large scale, high molecular weight and restrictable DNAs were obtained. Mean of the extracted total DNA was 673.2 ìg/g ranging from 510 to 1410 ìg/g across the 31 samples belong to 14 genus. Coisolotion of genomic and organelle DNAs were also confirmed using organelle and nuclear DNA specific primers. Suitability of the extraction method for DNA fingerprinting techniques such as RAPD, SSRLP, DAMD and PCR-RFLP was confirmed. This DNA extraction method might be useful for direct comparison, classification and molecular mapping of LABIATAE species. Keywords: Labiatae, Chloroplast, mitochondria,nuclear, RAPD,DAMD,PCRRFLP,SSR DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIES SPECIFIC DNA MARKERS IN SALVIA SPP. AHU Y. ÇINAR¹, AYªE GÜL ÝNCE, SAFÝNAZ Y. ELMASULU¹, SAADET T. AY, MEHMET KARACA¹ ¹Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, Antalya, Turkey ² Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Antalya, Turkey ³ Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Antalya, Turkey Aromatic plant species have been used for thousands of years for medicinal, aromatic, fungicide, insecticide and bactericide properties. Due to these properties many medicinal and aromatic plant species are undergoing domestication and cultivar development. Salvia is large group perennials, annuals and shrubs found wild in Turkey by 94 taxa belonging to 89 species with 50% endemism. DNA tecnologies have been safely used in species identification and many other purposes. In this study we studied chloroplast DNAs (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) in 7 different Salvia spp. And a control. Plant samples were collected natural growing areas in the Mediterranean Basin of Turkey and grown in experimental fields of Batý Akdeniz Agriculture Research Institue, Antalya, Turkey. Research used Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Lenght Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) to identify species cpDNAs or mtDNAs that would provide valuable information in taxonomy, phytochemistry molecular ecology, domestication and agronomical studies of Salvia spp.. This study initially utilized 7 choloplast and 7 mitochondria gene specific primer pairs and 4 restriction endonucleases. We identifed that the use of 2 chloroplast specific gene primer pairs plus 2 restriction endonuclease enzymes could differentiate all the samples used. We determined genetic relationships among the Salvia spp. Using UPGMA and Neighbor-Joining methods. Results indicated that among the organelle genomes within the Salvia spp. Chloroplast DNA makeup differed in comparison to the that of the mitochondria. Overall, results demostrated that PCR-RFLP technique is a powerful and reliable method to differentiate and determine the genetic relationshipsin Salvia species. Keywords: Chloroplast, DNA markers, Genetic relationship, Mitochondria and Phylogeny