Littera Şebnem Kaya* BERBERİSTAN’IN DİNDEN DÖNEN KORSANLARI VE EDEBİYATTAKİ YANSIMALARI SUMMARY THE RENEGADE PIRATES OF BARBARY AND THEIR REFLECTION IN LITERATURE Around the seventeenth century, European sailors, who were determined to join the Muslim pirates operating off the coast of North Africa, flocked to Barbary. They were in pursuit of material gain, but to rise to wealth they would have to come to terms with the transformatory effect this shift of locale would have on their lives and develop some adaptive strategies, such as changing their religion and names, in addition to sharing their nautical knowledge with the earlier settlers of the land. After all this was done, they could finally set sail as the Barbary pirates whose main target was Christian ships. To illustrate the above statement, this study, with reference to some historical and literary texts, explores the stories of three renegade pirates: John Ward, a.k.a. Yusuf Reis, Simon Danser, or “Diablo Reis,” and Jan Jansen, or the reputable Murat Reis. Key Words: Renegades, Piracy, Barbary, John Ward, Simon Danser, Jan Jansen Anahtar Sözcükler: Dinden Dönenler, Korsanlık, Berberistan, John Ward, Simon Danser, Jan Jansen “ Şehadet ederim ki Allah’tan başka ilah yoktur ve Muhammed O’nun kulu ve elçisidir.” cümlesi, onaltıncı ve onyedinci yüzyıllarda, Akdeniz’in rekabet hâlindeki İslam ve Hıristiyan dünyaları arasında bir hudut bölgesi olduğu sıralarda, Avrupalı denizciler tarafından Kuzey Afrika’da sıklıkla telaffuz * Yrd. Doç. Dr., Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü 223