Dr. Öznur ÇETİN

Name Surname
Agricultral Engineer (PhD.)
+90 (232) 462 70 73/118
Birth Place - Date
Balikesir 04/07/1976
Doctorate Degree
Academic Unit/
Graduation Year
Master Degree
Ege University
Academic Unit/
Graduation Year
Bachelor Degree
Ankara University
Academic Unit/
Graduation Year
Ankara University
Faculty of Agriculture- Department of Horticulture / 2012
Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Field Crops/ 2003
Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Field Crops/ 2000
Language / Grade
Kaya, H.B., Cetin, Ö., Kaya, H., Sahin, Sefer, F., M., Tanyolac, B. 2016. Association Mapping in Turkish
Olive Cultivars Revealed Significant Markers Related to Some Important Agronomic Traits. Biochem
Genet. DOI 10.1007/s10528-016-9738-9.
Çetin, Ö., Mete, N., Şahin, M., Sefer, F., Kaya, H., Güloğlu, U., Hakan, ., Uluçay, N. 2016. Pomological
Characteristics of Memecik x Uslu Hybrid (F1) Olive Genotypes. Olive Science. 1309-5889. Vol 6. No
1. p:9-14.
Sevim, D., Köseoğlu, O., Çetin, Ö. 2016. Determination of minör component and the antioxidant
activity of olive oils extracted from important olives cultivars. Olive science.1309-5889 Vol 6 p: 1-7.
Mete, N., Şahin, M., Çetin, Ö., Hakan, M., Güloğlu, U., Kaya, H., Uluçay, N. 2016. Seasonal variation
of freezing tolerance in some olive cultivars. Olive science. 1309-5889. Vol 6. p:25.
Kaya, H., Hakan, M., Sefer, F., Mete, N., Çetin, Ö., Şahin, M., Güloğlu, U., Uluçay, N. 2016. New olive
genotypes determinated in Aegean, Marmara and Blacksea regions. Olive science. Vol 6. p:15.
Mete, N., Şahin, M., Çetin, Ö., 2015. Determination of pollen viability and germination condition of
some olives. Olive science. 5(1) p:9-12.
Mete, N., Şahin, M., Çetin, Ö., 2015. Pollination biology in olive. Olive science 5(1) p:27-32.
Kaya, H, and Çetin, Ö., 2014. Olives in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture. No:48 Year:9 p: 40-47.
Kaya, H., Sefer, F., Çetin, Ö., Hakan, M., Mete, N., Şahin, M., Güloğlu, U., Uluçay, N. 2014. Olive
genetic resources, collection, storage and characterization. Agriculture Agenda Magazine. p:38-41.
Kaya HB, Cetin O, Kaya H, Sahin M, Sefer F, Arsel H, Ozisik S, Tanyolaç B, Association Mapping of
Important Agronomical Traits in Olive Tree with AFLP, SSR and SNP, Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII
Conference, January 12-16, 2013, Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, CA
Kaya HB, Cetin O, Kaya H, Sahin M, Sefer F, Kahraman A, Tanyolac B, 2013. SNP Discovery by
Illumina-Based Transcriptome Sequencing of the Olive and the Genetic Characterization of Turkish
Olive Genotypes Revealed by AFLP, SSR and SNP Markers, PLOS ONE, 8(9) e73674.
Kaya HB, Cetin O, Kaya H, Sahin M, Sefer F, Arsel H, Ozisik S, Tanyolac B, Determination of Genetic
Diversity of Turkish Olive Cultivars by RAPD and AFLP Markers, OLIVEBIOTECH 2012, Vol:1. p: 105110, Crete, Greece.
Mete, N., Mısırlı, A., Çetin, Ö., 2012. Determining the biology of fertilization and pollinators in some
olive cultivars. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on “Olive Culture and Biotechnology
of Olive Tree Products” OLIVEBIOTECH 2011 P:69-74.
Tanyolaç, B., Kaya, H.B., Çetin, Ö., Kaya, H., Şahin, M., Sefer, F., Arsel, H., Özışık, S., 2011. Detection
of Genetic Diversity in Turkey Olives with AFLP and SSR DNA Markers. National Olive Congress 22-25
February 2011 Akhisar. P: 232-241.
Sefer, F., Arsel, A.H., Güloğlu, U., Mete, N., Çetin, Ö., Şahin, M., Kaya, H., 2011.Clonal selection of
Memecik olive variety (II. stage). National Olive Congress 22-25 February 2011 Akhisar. p: 359-363.
Kaya, H., Çetin, Ö., Şahin, M., 2008. Olive varieties in Turkey. Standard Economic & Technical Journal
Sefer, F., Arsel, H., Mete, N., Çetin, Ö., Şahin, M., Güloğlu, U., Kaya, H., 2007. Hybridization breeding
in variety of Memecik olive. Turkey V. National Horticultural Congress Erzurum p: 161-164.
Mete, N ve Ö. Çetin, 2006. Botanical classification of olives and our domestic olive varieties by
region. Olive Cultivation. Olive Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
Publication No:61, p: 15-27. İzmir.
Gürel, A., Varol, N., Hayta, Ş., Ünal, S., Çetin, Ö., Alper, N., Özışık, S., 2006. Research on In Vitro
Regeneration and rooting them some of olives (Olea europaea L.). National Olive and Olive Oil
Symposium and Exhibition, 15-17 September, İzmir
Çetin, Ö.E. and D. Başalma, 2005. Effects of foliar spray applied at different growth stage on yield
and yield components of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Turkey VI. Field Crops Congress, vol:1, p:
11-16. 5-9 September 2005, Antalya.
Development of New Cultivars with High Frost Tolerance and Elucidating Candidate Genes
Responsible For Protein and Carbohydrate Metabolisms in Frost Stress of Olive (Project leader)
Creation of Genetic Mapping for F1 populations in Olive (Project leader)
Improvement of the Olive Cultivars by Cross Breeding (Assistant researcher)
Protection, Collection and Evaluation of Genetic Sources In Olive (Assistant researcher)
Developing of high density varieties of olives (Assistant researcher)
Wild olive selection in Blacksea, Aegean and Marmara region (Assistant researcher)
Determination of freezing tolerance in some olive varieties (Assistant researcher)
Establishment of world olive collection, conservation and management (Assistant researcher)
Linkage Mapping of Olive (Olea europaea L.) Genome and Identification of QTLs Related to Genes
for some characteristics (Project leader)
Effects of foliar spray applied at different growth stage on yield and yield components of sunflower
(Helianthus annuus L.)( Project leader)
Clone selection of Memecik olive variety (Assistant researcher)
Determination of Olive Tree Inventory by Remote Sensing Technique and Characterization and
Registration of Olive Cultivars and Olive Oils by DNA Markers (Assistant researcher)
Investigation of Fertilization Biology in Some Olive Varieties and Selected Crossbred Types (Assistant