DİZİN BÖLÜM 1 GENOMİK NÜKLEİK ASİT İZOLASYONU......................................................................... 4 DNA İZOLASYONU.................................................................................... 4 - 5 RNA İZOLASYONU..........................................................................................6 DİĞER ÜRÜNLER..................................................................................... 6 - 7 NÜKLEİK ASİT MİKTAR TAYİNİ...................................................................... 7 SPEKTROFOTOMETRİK.................................................................................7 FLOROMETRİK...............................................................................................8 PCR REAKTİFLERİ......................................................................................... 9 POLİMERAZLAR..................................................................................... 9 - 10 PCR MASTER MIX.........................................................................................11 dNTP MIX......................................................................................................11 PCR SOLÜSYONLARI...................................................................................11 RESTRİKSİYON ENZİMLERİ................................................................ 12 - 14 ELEKTROFOREZ.......................................................................................... 15 RT- PCR....................................................................................................... 16 REVERSE TRANSKRIPTAZLAR...................................................................16 cDNA SENTEZ KİTLERİ................................................................................17 ONE STEP KİTLER........................................................................................17 REAL TIME PCR........................................................................................... 18 MASTER MIX.................................................................................................18 İNTERKALAR BOYALAR...............................................................................18 KİTLER..........................................................................................................18 DİAGNOSTİK KİTLER....................................................................................19 KLONLAMA.................................................................................................. 20 DNA MUTAGENEZ........................................................................................20 KLONLAMA KİTLERİ....................................................................................20 LİGAZLAR......................................................................................................21 KOMPETENT HÜCRELER............................................................................21 DİĞER HİZMETLERİMİZ............................................................................... 21 DNA SEKANSLAMA......................................................................................21 RNA İNTERFERANS (siRNA, miRNA, iRNA) UYGULAMALARI....................................................21 BİYOKİMYASAL ÜRÜNLERİMİZ................................................................... 22 ANALİTİK ENZİMLER...................................................................................22 ANALİTİK TEST KİTLERİ..............................................................................22 KOFAKTÖRLER.............................................................................................22 DİZİN BÖLÜM 2 PROTEOMİK ANTİKORLAR............................................................................................... 24 FLOWSİTOMETRİ......................................................................................... 24 WESTERN BLOTLAMA................................................................................. 24 ENZİM AKTİVİTESİ........................................................................................24 PROTEİN JEL ELEKTROFOREZİ.................................................................25 WESTERN BLOTLAMA / SEKONDER BOYAMA.................................. 25 - 26 BÖLÜM 3 ELISA ELISA ............................................................................................................ ELISA KİTLERİ.................................................................................................. BÖLÜM 4 HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE KÜLTÜRÜ SOLÜSYONLARI............................................................. 28 SERUM..........................................................................................................28 MEDIA............................................................................................................29 SUPPLEMENT..............................................................................................30 DETACHMENT..............................................................................................30 CRYOPRESERVATION.................................................................................. 30 TRANSFECTION........................................................................................... 31 CYTOGENETICS............................................................................................ 31 MYCOPLASMA DETECTION & REMOVAL.................................................... 31 HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI.................. 32 - 36 BÖLÜM 5 SARF MALZEMELERİ TÜPLER................................................................................................. 38 - 39 PCR SARF MALZEMELERİ.................................................................... 39 - 40 RAKLAR VE KUTULAR.......................................................................... 41 - 42 HİSTOLOJİ VE PATOLOJİ.............................................................................. 42 LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARIMIZ............................................................ 43 - 46 EĞİTİMLERİMİZ............................................................................................ 47 HAKKIMIZDA................................................................................................ 48 GENOMİK NÜKLEİK ASİT İZOLASYONU NÜKLEİK ASİT MİKTAR TAYİNİ PCR REAKTİFLERİ ELEKTROFOREZ RT- PCR REAL TIME PCR KLONLAMA DİĞER HİZMETLERİMİZ BİYOKİMYASAL ÜRÜNLERİMİZ GENOMİK NÜKLEİK ASİT İZOLASYONU DNA İZOLASYONU ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA NZY Tissue gDNA MB13502 50 columns NZY Isolation kit MB13503 200 columns NZY NZY Blood gDNA MB13602 50 columns NZY Isolation kit MB13603 200 columns GeneAll 104-101 100 mini GeneAll 104-152 250 mini GeneAll 104-226 26 midi GeneAll 104-201 100 midi GeneAll 104-310 10 maxi GeneAll 104-326 26 maxi GeneAll 109-101 100 mini GeneAll 109-152 250 mini GeneAll 109-226 26 midi GeneAll 109-201 100 midi GeneAll 109-310 10 maxi GeneAll 109-326 10 maxi GeneAll 105-101 100 mini GeneAll 105-152 250 mini GeneAll 105-226 26 midi GeneAll 105-201 100 midi GeneAll 105-310 10 maxi GeneAll 105-326 26 maxi GeneAll 106-101 100 mini GeneAll 106-152 250 mini GeneAll 106-310 10 maxi GeneAll 106-326 26 maxi GeneAll GeneAll ExgeneTM Tissue SV GeneAll Exgene Tissue SV Plus TM GeneAll Exgene Blood SV TM GeneAll ExgeneTM Cell SV GeneAll ExgeneTM Clinic SV 100 mini GeneAll 250 mini GeneAll 108-226 26 midi GeneAll 108-201 100 midi GeneAll 108-310 10 maxi GeneAll 108-326 26 maxi GeneAll GeneAll Exgene Soil SV 114-150 50 mini GeneAll GeneAll ExgeneTM Stool SV 115-150 50 mini GeneAll GeneAll Exgene Genomic DNA Micro 118-050 50 mini GeneAll TM TM 4 108-101 108-152 NZY Tissue gDNA Isolation kit GeneAll Exgene Blood SV GeneAll ExgeneTM Genomic DNA Micro GENOMİK DNA İZOLASYONU ÜRÜN ADI GeneAll ExgeneTM Plant SV GeneAll ExgeneTM Plant SV GeneAll ExgeneTM GMO GeneAll GenExTM Blood, Cell, Tissue Kits GeneAll Exgene Blood SV GeneAll GenExTM Plant (plus!) GeneAll GenExTM Plant (plus!) GeneAll DirExTM KODU MİKTARI 117-101 100 mini 117-152 250 mini 117-226 26 midi 117-201 100 midi 117-310 10 maxi 117-326 26 maxi 107-150 50 mini 107-102 200 mini 107-310 10 maxi 107-326 26 maxi 220-101 300 ul/100 220-105 300 ul/500 220-301 10 ml/100 221-101 300 ul/100 221-105 300 ul/500 221-301 10 ml/100 222-101 300 ul/100 222-105 300 ul/500 222-301 10 ml/100 227-101 100 mg 227-201 500 mg 227-301 2g 228-101 100 mg 228-250 500 mg 228-320 2g 250-101 100 260-011 96 T 260-021 96 T 260-031 96 T 260-041 96 T 260-051 96 T 260-061 96 T 260-071 96 T MARKA GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll 5 GENOMİK RNA İZOLASYONU ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA NZY Total RNA Isolation kit NZYol MB13402 MB18501 301-001 301-002 302-001 302-002 306-150 302-150 312-150 303-150 313-150 304-150 307-150 50 columns 100ml 100ml 200ml (100x2) 100ml 200ml (100x2) 50 mini 50 mini 50 mini 50 mini 50 mini 50 mini 50 mini NZY NZY NZY Plant / Fungi gDNA MB17701 50 columns NZY Isolation kit MB17702 4x50 columns NZY Lysozyme from Egg Salt Free MB16201 1g NZY NZY RNase A MB18701 100 mg NZY 101-150 50 mini 101-102 200 mini 101-226 26 midi 101-250 50 midi 101-201 100 midi 111-150 50 mini 111-102 100 mini 111-226 26 midi 111-201 100 midi 121-220 20 midi 121-201 100 midi 100-150 50 mini 100-102 200 mini MB01001 50 columns MB01009 2x50 columns MB01002 200 columns MB01008 5x200 columns MB01010 50 units MB01011 4x50 units GeneAll RiboExTM Total RNA Solution GeneAll RiboExTM LS Total RNA Solution GeneAll AllspinTM GeneAll RibospinTM vRD GeneAll RibospinTM vRDplus! GeneAll RiboclearTM GeneAll RiboclearTM plus! GeneAll RibospinTM GeneAll RibospinTM Plant GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll NZYol DİĞER ÜRÜNLER GeneAll ExprepTM Plasmid DNA mini GeneAll Exprep Plasmid DNA Midi TM GeneAll ExfectionTM Plasmid LE mini GeneAll ExfectionTM Plasmid LE/EF Midi ExprepHybrid-Q Plasmid NZYMiniprep Columns (for NZYMiniprep) 6 GeneAll GeneAll ExprepTM Plasmid DNA GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll NZY NZY NZYMiniprep GENOMİK DİĞER ÜRÜNLER ÜRÜN ADI NZYMidiprep NZYMidiprep, nocolumns NZYMaxiprep Columns (for NZYMidiprep) NZYMaxiprep NZYMaxiprep, nocolumns Columns (for NZYMaxiprep) KODU MİKTARI MB05003 5 columns MB05004 20 columns MB05005 3 × 20 columns MB14101 20 preps MB05006 5 units MB05007 4x5 units MB05101 5 columns MB05102 2 × 5 columns MB05103 5 × 5 columns MB14201 5 preps MB05104 5 units MB05105 4x5 units MARKA NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY Columns (NZYMaxiprep için) NÜKLEİK ASİT MİKTAR TAYİNİ SPEKTROFOTOMETRİK Micro Spectrophotometer Single Beam MRC marka Spectro-Nano örnek analizi ve hazırlaması için mükemmel bir aygıttır. DNA, RNA ve oligonükleotit hesaplamalarını, protein assaylerini doğru bir şekilde ölçebilir. CCD algılayıcı, Xenon ışık kaynağı ve basit bir program sunan sistem, 0.5–2 µl örnek ölçümünü, otomatik olarak 5 saniye içinde tamamlayabilir. Kodu: SPECTRO-NANO 7 GENOMİK FLOROMETRİK 8 ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA AccuLite 350 Mini Fluorometer E90000 1 adet Biotium AccuLite 470 Mini Fluorometer E90001 1 adet Biotium Mini Glass Tubes (pack of 100) 22019 100/paket Biotium AccuClear™ Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quanti31027 tation Solution 1000 assays Biotium AccuClear™ Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quanti31028 tation Kit with 7 DNA Standards 1000 assays Biotium AccuClear™ Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quanti31029 tation Kit with 1 DNA Standard 2000 assays Biotium AccuBlue and AccuClear dsDNA Quantitation Kits AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Standards, set 31006C of 8 (Each) 1 adet Biotium AccuBlue™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with 8 DNA Standards 1000 assays Biotium AccuBlue and AccuClear dsDNA Quantitation Kits AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Standards, set of 31007C 9 (Each) 1 adet Biotium AccuBlue™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with 9 DNA Standards 31007 1000 assays Biotium AccuBlue™ High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution 31008 1000 assays Biotium AccuBlue™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution 31009 1000 assays Biotium 31006 AccuLiteTM 350 Mini Florometre AccuLite™ Mini Florometreler taşınabilir, çok amaçlı floresan ölçerlerdir. Bu aygıtlar, kullanımı kolay, hafif ve DC adaptör ya da batarya ile çalıştırılabilir. AccuLite™ 350 mavi floresanı algılayabilir ve AccuBlue™ Broad Range dsDNA miktar tayini assay kullanımı için programlar içerir. AccuLiteTM 470 Mini Florometre AccuLite™ Mini Florometreler taşınabilir, çok amaçlı floresan ölçerlerdir. Bu aygıtlar, kullanımı kolay, hafif ve DC adaptör ya da batarya ile çalıştırılabilir. AccuLite™ 470 yeşil floresanı algılayabilir ve AccuBlue™ High Sensitivity dsDNA miktar tayini assay, AccuClear™ Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA miktar tayini assay, ve AccuOrange™ protein miktar tayini assay kullanımı için programlar içerir. GENOMİK PCR REAKTİFLERİ POLİMERAZLAR ÜRÜN ADI NZYTaq with 5× Gel Load NZYTaq DNA polymerase NZYTaq with 5× Gel Load NZYProof DNA polymerase NZYLong DNA polymerase SupremeNZYTaq DNA polymerase Cheetah HotStart Taq DNA Polimeraz Cheetah™ Taq, spesifik olmayan DNA çoğaltmasını azaltan ya da önleyen, kimyasal olarak değiştirilmiş hot-start Taq DNA polimerazıdır. Standart koşullarda Cheetah™ Taq hem 3’-5’ polimeraz hem de 5’-ekzonükleaz activitesini iki saniye içinde tekrar kazanır. NZYSpeedy DNA Polymerase T7 RNA Polymerase Cheetah HotStartTaq DNA Polymerase WarmStart Enzyme Modification Kit HotStart Polymerase Modification Kit AmpONE Taq DNA polymerase AmpONE Taq DNA polymerase KODU MİKTARI MB03801 500 U MB03802 1000 U MB03803 2500 U MB00101 500 U MB00102 1000 U MB00103 2500 U MB14601 125 U MB14602 500 U MB14603 1000 U MB00301 125 U MB00302 500 U MB00303 1000 U MB07901 500 U MB07902 1000 U MB07903 2500 U MB10801 125 U MB10802 500 U MB10901 125 U MB10902 500 U MB08001 10000 U, 20 U/µl MB08002 30000 U, 20 U/µl MB08003 10000 U, 200 U/µl MB08004 30000 U, 200 U/µl 29050 500 U Biotium 1 kit Biotium 1 kit Biotium 29053 29053-T 29054 29054-T 501-025 250 U 501-050 500 U (250U*2) MARKA NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY Geneall 9 GENOMİK POLİMERAZLAR ÜRÜN ADI HotstartTaq DNA polymerase CleanTaq DNA polymerase α-Taq DNA polymerase Clean α-Taq DNA polymerase Pfu DNA polymerase TaqPremix, Lyophilized, 8-strip tubes w/attachedcap/96 T α-Taq premix, Lyophilized, 8-strip tubes w/attached cap/96 T HS-Taq premix, Lyophilized, 8-strip tubes w/ attached cap/96 10 KODU MİKTARI 531-025 250U 531-050 500U (250U*2) 551-025 250U 551-050 500U (250U*2) 502-025 250U 502-050 500U (250U*2) 552-025 250U 552-050 500U (250U*2) 503-025 250U 503-050 500U (250U*2) 521-200 20ul (96tubes) 521-500 50ul (96tubes) 526-200 20ul (96tubes) 526-500 50ul (96tubes) 522-200 20ul (96tubes) 522-500 50ul (96tubes) 527-200 20ul (96tubes) 527-500 50ul (96tubes) 520-200 20ul (96tubes) 525-200 20ul (96tubes) 525-500 50ul (96tubes) MARKA GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll AmpOne Hs-Taq DNA Polymerase GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll NZY Speedy Proof DNA Polymerase GENOMİK PCR MASTER MIX ÜRÜN ADI KODU MB13901 MB13902 MB13903 MB04002 MB04902 500U NZY MB03902 541-010 541-050 542-010 542-050 545-010 545-050 9101S 9101M 3202S 3202M 9501 S 9501 M 500U (0.5ml x 2 tubes) (0.5ml x 10 tubes) (0.5ml x 2 tubes) (0.5ml x 10 tubes) (0.5ml x 2 tubes) (0.5ml x 10 tubes) 1,25 ml 100rxn 5x1,25 ml 500rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn 5x1,25 ml 500rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn 5x1,25 ml 500rxn NZY dNTPsNZYMix MB08601 MB08602 MB08603 MB08604 MB08605 dNTPsNZYSet MB08701 dNTP mix (2.5 mM each) dNTP set 509-020 509-040 25 mM, 1 ml 25 mM, 5 ml 10 mM, 0.2 ml 10 mM, 1 ml 10 mM, 5 ml 100 mM (4x0.25 ml) 500 ul 4x 1ml MB14302 MB14301 MB06001 MB06002 1 ml 5 x 1 ml 1 ml 3 x 1 ml Supreme NZYTaq 2x Green Master Mix, sepaMB05503 rate MgCl2 MB05504 NZYLong 2x Green Master Mix NZYTaq 2x Colourless Master Mix NZYTaq 2x Colourless Master Mix, separate MgCl2 NZYTaq 2x Green Master Mix AmpMasterTMTaq AmpMasterTM α-Taq AmpMasterTM HS-Taq dNTPs NZYSet MARKA 500 U (100 react x 50ul) 1000 U (200 react NZY x 50ul) 5000 U (1000 react x 50ul) 100 U 500 U NZY 1000 U 500U NZY MB05502 NZYLong 2x Green Master Mix MİKTARI HiDi 2x PCR Master Mix HiDi 2x PCR Master Mix Plant directPCR 2x Master Mix Plant directPCR 2x Master Mix Direct Oral Swab 2x PCR Master Mix Direct Oral Swab 2x PCR Master Mix GeneAll GeneAll GeneAll MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols dNTP MIX NZY NZY GeneAll GeneAll PCR SOLÜSYONLARI NZYTaq 2× GC-Enhancer Solution NZYTaq 5× Optimizer Solution NZYTaq 2× GC-Enhancer Solution NZY NZY 11 GENOMİK RESTRİKSİYON ENZİMLERİ 12 ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA Apa I BamH I Dpn I EcoR I Eco R V Hind III Hpa I Kpn I Nco I Nde I Nhe I CciN I (Not I) Pst I Sal I Sfi I Aat II Acc I Acc III Afl II Age I Alw26 I ApaL I Asc I Ava I Ava ll Avr II Bal I BamH I Bcl I Bgl I Bgl II Bsa I BsaW I BsiW I BsmB I BsoB I BsrF I BstY I BtsC I Cfr42 I Cfr9 I Dde l Dpn I Dpn II MB06201 MB06401 MB07801 MB06701 MB06801 MB07001 MB07101 MB07201 MB06601 MB06901 MB06301 MB15301 MB07301 MB07701 MB14901 R026S R023S R059S R042S R063S R066S R041S R068S R034S R040S R071S R056S R003S R048S R043S R010S R072S R073S R074S R075S R076S R077S R078S R079S R080S R081S R044S R054S R083S 1000 U 2000 U 100 U 5000 U 2000 U 5000 U 500 U 2000 U 500 U 500 U 500 U 500 U 4000 U 2000 U 1000 U 500 U 500 U 1,000 U 500 U 300 U 1,000 U 2,500 U 500 U 2,000 U 2,000 U 100 U 50 U 10,000 U 1,000 U 2,000 U 2,000 U 1,000 U 250 U 300 U 200 U 10,000 U 1,000 U 2,000 U 2,000 U 1,200 U 300 U 1,000 U 1,000 U 1,000 U NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY G GGCC | C C | CCGG G Apa I G | GATC C C CTAG | G BamH I G | AATT C C TTAA | A EcoR I GENOMİK RESTRİKSİYON ENZİMLERİ G AGCT | C C | TCGA G Sac I T | CTAG A A GATC | T Xba I C | CATG G G GTAC | C Speedy Nco I ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA Pvu I Pvu II Rsa I Sac I Sal I Sau96 I Sca I Sda I Sfi I SgrA I Sma I SnaB I Spe I Sph I Sse9 I Ssp I Stu I Swa I Taq I Xba I Xho I Xma I Lambda Exonuclease Lambda Exonuclease Lambda Exonuclease Xho I Nt.BbvCI, Nicking Endonuclease Speedy Apa I Speedy BamH I Speedy Bgl II Speedy EcoR I Speedy Eco R V Speedy Hind III Speedy Hpa I Speedy Kpn I Speedy Nco I Speedy Nde I Speedy Nhe I SpeedyCciN I (Not I) Speedy PstI Speedy Sal I Speedy Sfi I Speedy Xho I NZYtech Restriction Enzymes Speedy Pack R100S R021S R047S R005S R009S R101S R028S R102S R033S R103S R015S R027S R011S R017S R104S R105S R025S R039S R051S R013S R007S R064S M008S M008M M008L MB07401 MB09401 MB09101 MB09201 MB09301 MB09501 MB09601 MB09701 MB09801 MB09901 MB10001 MB10101 MB10201 MB15401 MB10301 MB10401 MB15001 MB10701 MB15101 500 U 5,000 U 500 U 2,000 U 5,000 U 1,000 U 1,000 U 300 U 3,500 U 1,000 U 2,000 U 200 U 500 U 600 U 500 U 1,000 U 500 U 500 U 4,000 U 3,000 U 5,000 U 500 U 1,000 U 2,000 U 5,000 U 2000 U 1000 U 100 reactions 200 reactions 100 reactions 500 reactions 200 reactions 500 reactions 50 reactions 100 reactions 50 reactions 50 reactions 50 reactions 50 reactions 400 reactions 200 reactions 100 reactions 200 reactions Starter Pack NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY 13 GENOMİK ELEKTROFOREZ ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MB14401 100 g MB14402 500 g MB14403 1000 g MB02702 100 g MB02703 500 g MB02704 1000 g MB05201 100 g MB05202 500 g MB12201 500 g MB12301 100 g MB12302 500 g MB01101 50 columns MB01104 2x50 columns MB01102 200 columns MB01103 5x200 columns MB04101 200 lanes MB04102 500 lanes MB04301 200 lanes MB04302 500 lanes MB04401 200 lanes MB04402 500 lanes MB05801 50 lanes MB05802 150 lanes MB06101 200 lanes MB06102 500 lanes MB08901 200 lanes MB08902 500 lanes MB14701 200 lanes MB14702 500 lanes MB17501 200 lanes MB17502 500 lanes 1 KB DNA Ladder 31021 100ng/uL Biotium Ready-to-Use 1 KB DNA Ladder 31022 1.5 ml Biotium Ready-to-Use 100 bp DNA Ladder 31032 1.5 ml Biotium GENESTATM 1kb DNA Ladderwith 5x LoadingDye GA-100 500 ul GeneAll GENESTATM 100bp DNA Ladderwith 5x LoadingDye GA-010 500 ul GeneAll GENESTATM 250bp DNA Ladderwith 5x LoadingDye GA-025 500 ul GeneAll 6× NZYDNA LoadingDye MB13101 5X 1ml NZY Agarose (Electrophoresis Grade) Agarose (Electrophoresis Grade) Agarose (ultrapuregrade) Agarose (pulse-fieldgrade) Agarose (LM-ultrapuregrade) NZYGelpure NZYDNA Ladder I NZYDNA Ladder II NZYDNA Ladder III NZYDNA Ladder IV NZYDNA Ladder V NZYDNA Ladder VI NZYDNA Ladder VII NZYDNA Ladder VIII 14 MARKA NZY NZY NZY NZY GSC Series Gel Documentation And Analysis System NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY Yatay Elektroforez Sistemi NZY NZY NZY NZYDNA Ladder I - II - III GENOMİK ELEKTROFOREZ ÜRÜN ADI KODU Greensafe Premium Greensafe Direct Load GelRedNucleicAcid Gel Stain, 3X in water GelRed™ Nükleik Asit Jel Boyama 10,000X suda GelRed™ ultra hassas, son derece dayanıklı ve çevreye duyarlı floresan nükleik asit jel boyasıdır. GelRed™ oldukça zararlı etidyum bromür (EB) yerine agaroz ya da poliakrilamid jellerde dsDNA, ssDNA ya da RNA’yı boyamak için tasarlanmıştır. MB13201 MB13301 41001 41002 GelRedNucleicAcid Gel Stain, 10,000X in DMSO 41002-1 41003 GelRedNucleicAcid Gel Stain, 10,000X in water 41003-1 41003-T GelGreenNucleicAcid Gel Stain, 10,000X in DMSO 41004 41005 GelGreenNucleicAcid Gel Stain, 10,000X in water 41005-1 41005-T 102-150 Expin Gel SV 102-102 MİKTARI MARKA 1 ml 1 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 10 ml 0.1 ml 0.5 ml 10 ml 0.5 ml 0.1 ml 0.5 ml 10 ml 500 mini 200 mini NZY NZY Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium GeneAll RT-PCR REVERSE TRANSKRIPTAZLAR NZY M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase NZY Reverse Transcriptase HyperScript TM Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/ul) MB08301 MB12401 601-100 20000 U 20000 U 50 ul (10,000 U) MB12501 MB12502 MB17001 MB17002 MB17101 MB17102 MB17201 MB17202 MB17301 MB17302 MB17401 MB17402 601-005 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxns 250 rxns 50 rxn NZY NZY GeneAll cDNA SENTEZ KİTLERİ HyperScriptTM Reverse Transkriptaz NZY First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit NZY First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, separate oligo NZY First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, no oligo MULV First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit MULV First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, separate oligo MULV First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, no oligo HyperScriptTM First strand synthesis Kit MULV First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, separate oligo NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY GeneAll 15 GENOMİK ONE STEP KİTLER ÜRÜN ADI KODU TOPscriptTM One-step RT PCR Kit RT410S RT411 RT412 RT421 TOPscriptTM One-step RT PCR DryMIX (dye plus) RT422 RT423 RT424 TOPscriptTM One-step RT PCR DyeMIX RT423-50 RT424-50 Adenovirus (ADV) PCR DA-B067 Coxsackie Virus (CV) PCR Kit DA-B074 EnteroVirus 71 PCR kit DA-B108 EnteroVirus PCR kit DA-B109 CoxsackieVirus A16 PCR kit DA-B110 TOPscriptTM One-step RT PCR DryMIX MİKTARI 100 rxns 200 rxns 96 tubes 480 tubes 96 tubes 480 tubes 96 tubes 480 tubes 96 tubes 480 tubes MARKA MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio DAANGene DAANGene DAANGene DAANGene DAANGene REAL TIME PCR MASTER MIX NZY qPCR 2x Master Mix (1mL - 50rxn de 20uL) MB18401 (SYBR Green I) Prime Q-Master Mix (2X conc.) Q-9200 SYBR Green I) Prime Q-Master Mix (2X conc., with ROX dye) Fast Probe Master Mix (no ROX) Fast Plus EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix -Low Rox Fast Plus EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix -High Rox Fast Probe Master Mix (with ROX) Fast Plus EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix qPCR GreenDye UDG 2x Master Mix qPCR GreenDye UDG 2x Master Mix qPCR GreenDye 2x Master Mix qPCR GreenDye 2x Master Mix (+ROX) qPCR Probe 2x Master Mix qPCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+ROX Q-9210 31005 31014 31015 31016 31020 8901 S 8901 M 9601S 9701S 9801S 9901S 2 mL - 200 reactions x 20 uL 2 mL(1mlX2) 200rxn 2 mL(1mlX2), 200rxn 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 2x1 mL 1,25 ml 100rxn 5x1,25 ml 500rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn 1,25 ml 100rxn NZY NZY NZY Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols MyPols Fast Plus EvaGreen qPCR Master Mix-High Rox İNTERKALAR BOYALAR ROX reference dye, 25 uM in TE buffer PMA dye Ethidiummonoazide, bromide (EMA) PMA dye 20 mM in H2O EvaGreen Dye, 20X in water Fast EvaGreenqPCR Master Mix 16 29052 40013 40015 40019 5x1mL 1mg 5mg 100 μl 1mL 31000-T 31000 5x1mL 31003 1mL 31003-1 2x1mL 31003-2 5x1mL 31003-T 50x1mL Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium EvaGreen Boyası 20x GENOMİK KİTLER ÜRÜN ADI PMA dye PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit – Salmonella enterica (invA) PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit – Mycobacterium tuberculosis (groEL2) PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit – Staphylococcus aureus (nuc) PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit – Staphylococcus aureus (mecA) PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit – E. coli O157:H7 (Z3276) KODU MİKTARI MARKA 31033 200 assays Biotium 31034 200 assays Biotium 31035 200 assays Biotium 31036 200 assays Biotium 31037 200 assays Biotium DİAGNOSTİK KİTLER Ureaplasma urealyticum PCR Diagnostic Kit Chlamydia Trachomatis PCR Diagnostik Kit Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) (LC large package) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) (Large package) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(Large Package) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC Large Package) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC480 large package) Diagnositic Kit for Chlamydia Trachomatis DNA Ureaplasma urealyticum PCR Diagnostic Kit Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) (LC) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) (Large Package) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC Large Package) Diagnostic Kit for Quantification of Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) (LC480 large package) Cat.#DA-D053 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-L053 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BL053 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-B053 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-054 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-L054 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-B054 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BL054 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BM054 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-Z054 20 Tests/Kit Cat.#DA-005 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene DAANGene Cat.#DA-D055 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-L055 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-B055 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BL055 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BM055 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene 17 GENOMİK DİAGNOSTİK KİTLER ÜRÜN ADI Diagnostic Kit for Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11 DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing) Diagnostic Kit for Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11 DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC) Diagnostic Kit for Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11 DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(Large Package) Diagnostic Kit for Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11 DNA (PCR-Fluorescence Probing)(LC Large Package) KODU MİKTARI MARKA Cat.#DA-D056 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-L056 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-B056 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene Cat.#DA-BL056 20 Tests/Kit DAANGene KODU MİKTARI MARKA EZ004S EZ004M MB01201 MB01202 MB01203 MB01204 20 rxns 40 rxns 10 mutations 10 mutations 24 mutations 24 mutations KLONLAMA DNA MUTAGENEZ ÜRÜN ADI EZchangeTM Site-directed Mutagenesis kit NZYMutagenesis kit, no cells NZYMutagenesis kit, plus competent cells NZYMutagenesis kit, no cells NZYMutagenesis kit, plus competent cells MirusBio NZY NZY NZY NZY NZYMutagenesis kit KLONLAMA KİTLERİ TOPclonerTM TA kit TOPclonerTM TA kit TOPclonerTM TA core kit TOPclonerTM TA core kit TOPclonerTM Blunt kit TOPclonerTM Blunt kit TOPclonerTM TA-Blunt kit TOPclonerTM TA-Blunt core kit TOPclonerTM TA-Blunt core kit EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit (Dry type) TOPclonerTM TA-Blunt core kit TOPclonerTM TA-Blunt core kit EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit (Dry type) EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit (Dry type) EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit (Dry type) EZ-FusionTM Cloning core kit (Dry type) EZ-FusionTM Cloning core EZ-FusionTM Cloning core kit (Dry type) EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit EZ-FusionTM Cloning kit 18 EZ001S EZ001M EZ011S EZ011M EZ002S EZ002M EZ007M EZ017S EZ017M EZ019S EZ017S EZ017M EZ019S EZ019M EZ019L EZ020S EZ020M EZ020L EZ015S EZ015M 20 rxns 40 rxns 20 rxns 40 rxns 20 rxns 40 rxns 40 rxns 20 rxns 40 rxns 8 rxns 20 rxns 40 rxns 8 rxns 16 rxns 96 rxns 8 rxns 16 rxns 96 rxns 20 rxns 40 rxns MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio MirusBio TOPclonerTM TA kit GENOMİK LİGAZLAR T4 DNA Ligase ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA TOPspeedTM DNA Ligation kit EZ003S 30 rxns NZY TOPspeedTM DNA Ligation kit EZ003M 60 rxns NZY T4 DNA Ligase M001S 20,000 U NZY T4 DNA Ligase M001M 40,000 U NZY T4 DNA Ligase M001L 100,000 U NZY T4 DNA Ligase M001H 100,000 U NZY T4 DNA ligase MB00703 500 U NZY T4 DNA ligase MB00704 2500 U NZY Speedy Ligase MB13001 50 ligations NZY Speedy Ligase MB13002 100 ligations NZY NZY5α MB00401 20 transfs NZY NZY5α MB00402 40 transfs NZY NZYStar MB00501 20 transfs NZY NZYStar MB00502 40 transfs NZY BL21(DE3) MB00601 20 transfs NZY BL21(DE3) MB00602 40 transfs NZY KOMPETENT HÜCRELER NZY5alpha DİĞER HİZMETLERİMİZ DNA SEKANSLAMA RNA İNTERFERANS (siRNA, miRNA, iRNA) UYGULAMALARI BU ÜRÜNLER İLE İLGİLİ SATIŞ TEMSİLCİMİZDEN BİLGİ ALINIZ. 19 GENOMİK BİYOKİMYASAL ÜRÜNLERİMİZ ANALİTİK ENZİMLER ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA Acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC, B. Subtilis Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC, Escherichia coli Aldehyde reductase YqhD, Escherichia coli Arginase (EC, Homo sapiens liver Aspartate aminotransferase (EC, Escherichia coli Citrate synthase (EC, Escherichia coli D-Alanine aminotransferase (EC, Bacillus subtilis D-Lactate dehydrogenase (EC, Leuconostoc mesenteroides D-Malate dehydrogenase (EC, Escherichia coli Diaphorase (EC, Escherichia coli Glucokinase (EC, Escherichia coli Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, Escherichia coli Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC, Escherichia coli Glutamate dehydrogenase (EC, Escherichia coli Glutaminase (EC, Escherichia coli AE00081 250 U NZY AE00131 1000 U NZY AE00021 AE00211 2.0 mg 1950 U NZY NZY AE00061 5000 U NZY AE00041 2500 U NZY AE00141 2500 U NZY AE00121 22 kU NZY AE00151 200 U NZY AE00231 AE00171 1000 U 1400 U NZY NZY AE00111 5000 U NZY AE00101 5000 U NZY AE00051 3300 U NZY AE00071 2500 U NZY AK00051 AK00081 AK00091 AK00141 AK00041 AK00161 AK00031 AK00121 AK00021 AK00061 AK00171 AK00111 AK00131 AK00191 50 tests/kit 53 tests/kit 96 tests/kit 50 tests of each 110 tests/kit 660 tests/kit 110 tests/kit 50 tests/kit 100 tests/kit 60 tests/kit 50 tests of each 50 tests/kit 50 tests/kit 5 x10 tests/kit NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY AC00011 AC00041 AC00021 AC00031 5g 1g 1g 100 mg NZY NZY NZY NZY Citrate synthase (EC, Escherichia coli ANALİTİK TEST KİTLERİ Acetaldehyde, UV method Acetic acid, UV method Ammonia, UV method D-/L-Lactic acid, UV method D-Fructose/D-Glucose, UV method D-Glucose GOD-POD, colorimetric method D-Glucose HK, UV method D-Lactic acid, UV method D-Malic acid, UV method Ethanol, UV method L-Arginine/Urea/Ammonia, UV method L-Glutamine/Ammonia, UV method L-Lactic acid, UV method L-Malic acid, colorimetric method Acetaldehyde, UV method KOFAKTÖRLER 20 b-NAD b-NADH b-NADP b-NADPH b-NAD PROTEOMİK ANTİKORLAR FLOWSİTOMETRİ WESTERN BLOTLAMA PROTEOMİK ANTİKORLAR 22 ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) CF350 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) CF350 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment CF350 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment CF350 Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Donkey Anti-Sheep IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF405M Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) CF405M Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment Biotin Donkey Anti Goat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b CF350 Donkey Anti-Chicken IgY (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) CF350 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) CF405M Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) CF350 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Donkey Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF350 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG (H+L) CF405M Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF405M Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF405M Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed Cleaved-Caspase-3 p12 (D175) Polyclonal Antibody Adiponectin Polyclonal Antibody BID Polyclonal Antibody MMP-1 Polyclonal Antibody FLAG-tag Polyclonal Antibody Acetyl-Tubulin α (K40) Polyclonal Antibody Acetyl-Tubulin α (K352) Polyclonal Antibody Annexin III Polyclonal Antibody Annexin VI Polyclonal Antibody Cathepsin G Polyclonal Antibody Caveolin-1 Polyclonal Antibody E.coli Polyclonal Antibody 20140 20141 20142 20143 20144 20145 20146 20147 20148 20149 20180 20182 20183 20184 20185 20186 20187 20188 20189 20265 20275 20331 20332 Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium 20340 Biotium 20350 20351 20361 20364 20375 20376 20398 ENC004 ENC016 ENC017 ENC098 ENG004 ENK039 ENK040 ENT0237 ENT0238 ENT0683 ENT0685 ESAP14017 Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG PROTEOMİK ANTİKORLAR ÜRÜN ADI MMP3 Polyclonal Antibody AGR2 Polyclonal Antibody KODU ADAMTS15 Polyclonal Antibody CD45 Monoclonal Antibody AMACR Monoclonal Antibody CD20 Monoclonal Antibody CD23 Monoclonal Antibody CD68 Monoclonal Antibody CK19 Monoclonal Antibody p53 Monoclonal Antibody Histone H3 (di methyl K27) Monoclonal Antibody Histone H3 (mono methyl K79) Monoclonal Antibody Rabbit IgG (Fc specific, Heavy Chain) Monoclonal Antibody Rabbit IgG (Light Chain Specific) Monoclonal Antibody Flag-Tag Monoclonal Antibody Myc-Tag Monoclonal Antibody HA-Tag Monoclonal Antibody β-actin Monoclonal Antibody GAPDH Monoclonal Antibody β-Tubulin Monoclonal Antibody Goat Anti-Mouse IgG-HRP Rabbit Anti-Pig IgG-HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG-HRP Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG-HRP Rabbit Anti-human IgG-HRP mouse Anti-human IgG-HRP Goat Anti-mouse IgM-HRP Goat Anti-Human IgM-HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG-Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-Biotin Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG-Biotin Rabbit Anti-Rat IgG-Biotin Rabbit Anti-Human IgG-Biotin Mouse Anti-Human IgG-Biotin Mouse Anti-Rabbit IgG-Biotin Goat Anti-Human IgG-Biotin Avidin-peroxidase(Avidin-HRP) Anti-Human CD44 Antibody (BIOT conjugated) Anti-Human CD44 Antibody (FITC conjugated) Anti-Human CD44 Antibody (PE conjugated) Anti-Mouse CD44 Antibody (BIOT conjugated) Anti-Mouse CD44 Antibody (FITC conjugated) Anti-Mouse CD44 Antibody (PE conjugated) MİKTARI MARKA ESAP14190 ENM0046 ENM0047 ENM0048 ENM0049 ENM0050 ENM0051 ENM0052 ENM0102 ENM0103 ENM0167 ENM0168 ENM0001 ENM0002 ENM0003 ENM0028 ENM0029 ENM0030 SAEP001 SAEP002 SAEP003 SAEP004 SAEP005 SAEP006 SAEP007 SAEP008 SAEP009 SAEP030 SAEP031 SAEP032 SAEP033 SAEP034 SAEP035 SAEP036 SAEP037 SAEP050 ESHF202 ESHF203 ESHF204 ESMF111 ESMF112 ESMF113 Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience 23 PROTEOMİK FLOW SİTOMETRİ 24 ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA APC Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) APC Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment APC Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) APC Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment APC Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed APC Streptavidin R-PE Annexin V R-PE Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed R-PE Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) R-PE Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment R-PE Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) R-PE Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment R-PE Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed R-PE Streptavidin Mix-n-Stain APC Antibody Labeling Kit Mix-n-Stain APC-CF750T Antibody Labeling Kit Mix-n-Stain R-PE Antibody Labeling Kit Mix-n-Stain Biotin Antibody Labeling Kit Mix-n-Stain CF532 Antibody Labeling Kit Mix-n-Stain FITC Antibody Labeling Kit Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment Biotin Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment CF350 Goat Anti-Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) CF405M Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) CF405S Donkey Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) CF488A Goat Anti-Human IgA (alpha chain) CF488A Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain) CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab’)2 Fragment CF568 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG (H+L) CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 Adiponectin Polyclonal Antibody BID Polyclonal Antibody MMP-1 Polyclonal Antibody FLAG-tag Polyclonal Antibody Acetyl-Tubulin α (K40) Polyclonal Antibody Acetyl-Tubulin α (K352) Polyclonal Antibody Annexin III Polyclonal Antibody Annexin VI Polyclonal Antibody Cathepsin G Polyclonal Antibody Caveolin-1 Polyclonal Antibody E.coli Polyclonal Antibody 20411-100uL 20414-500uL 20412-500uL 20415-500uL 20413-500uL 29048-1mL 29045-500uL 20355-1mL 20352-1mL 20357-500uL 20353-1mL 20358-500uL 20354-1mL 29044-1mL 92307 92311 92299 92244 92291 92296 20183-1mg 20187 20188 20198-1mg 20180-1mg 20419-1mg 20080-1mg 20248-1mg 20347-250uL 20011 20337-1mg 20248 ENC016 ENC017 ENC098 ENG004 ENK039 ENK040 ENT0237 ENT0238 ENT0683 ENT0685 ESAP14017 Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience APC Conjugated Antibody FlowCytometer PROTEOMİK WESTERN BLOTLAMA ENZİM AKTİVİTESİ AccuOrange Protein Quantitation Kit Dikey Elektroforez Sistemi ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA D-Luciferin, Free Acid D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt Coelenterazine (native) Coelenterazine 400a (DeepBlueC) AccuOrange Protein Quantitation Kit EvaEZ Fluorometric Polymerase Activity Assay Kit 10100 10101 10102 10110 10125 30071 29051 Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium 5x1 mL 100 mL 100mL 100mL 100 mL 300 lanes 600 lanes 125 lanes 4 x 125 lanes 100 lanes 4 x 100 lanes NZY Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY NZY 41013 41014 Biotium Biotium WESTERN BLOTLAMA 5x SDS sample loading buffer Fish Gelatin Blocking Buffer (10X) Fixation Buffer Permeabilization Buffer Permeabilization and Blocking Buffer (5X) Low Molecular Weight (LMW) Protein Marker Low Molecular Weight (LMW) Protein Marker NZYColour Protein Marker II NZYColour Protein Marker II NZYBlue Protein Marker NZYBlue Protein Marker MB11701 22010 22015 22016 22017 MB08201 MB08202 MB09002 MB09003 MB17601 MB17602 PROTEİN JEL ELEKTROFOREZİ PAGE GelGreen Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 1X in water PAGE GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 1X in water WESTERN BLOTLAMA / SEKONDER BOYAMA Mini - Protean Elektroforez Hücresi CF620 BlueSafe CF350 Maleimide CF405M Maleimide CF488A Maleimide CF568 Maleimide CF594 Maleimide CF633 Maleimide CF680 Maleimide CF405S Maleimide CF620R Maleimide CF543 Maleimide CF532 Maleimide CF350, Aminooxy CF488A, Aminooxy CF594, Aminooxy CF633, Aminooxy CF514 Succinimidyl Ester MB15201 92020 92021 92022 92024 92025 92026 92029 92030 92033 92044 92045 92050 92051 92052 92053 92103 1000mL 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole NZY Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium 25 PROTEOMİK WESTERN BLOTLAMA / SEKONDER BOYAMA 26 ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA CF532 Succinimidyl Ester CF620R Succinimidyl Ester CF640R Succinimidyl Ester CF350 Succinimidyl Ester CF405S Succinimidyl Ester CF405M Succinimidyl Ester CF488A Succinimidyl Ester CF555 Succinimidyl Ester CF568 Succinimidyl Ester CF594 Succinimidyl Ester CF633 Succinimidyl Ester CF660R Succinimidyl Ester CF647 Succinimidyl Ester CF660C Succinimidyl Ester CF350 Hydrazide CF488A Hydrazide CF568 Hydrazide CF633 Hydrazide CF594 Hydrazide Biotin azide Biotin alkyne Biotin BCN CF532 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF543 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF350 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF405S SE Protein Labeling Kit CF405M SE Protein Labeling Kit CF488A SE Protein Labeling Kit CF555 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF660R SE Protein Labeling Kit CF640R SE Protein Labeling Kit CF405L SE Protein Labeling Kit CF568 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF594 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF633 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF647 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF660C SE Protein Labeling Kit CF680 SE Protein Labeling Kit CF660R SE Protein Labeling Kit CF640R SE Protein Labeling Kit CF405L SE Protein Labeling Kit DMNPE-caged D-Luciferin Ponceau S solution EverBrite Mounting Medium EverBrite Mounting Medium with DAPI EverBriteHardset Mounting Medium EverBriteHardset Mounting Medium with DAPI Lumitein Protein Gel Stain 1X Lumitein Protein Gel Stain 100X 92104 92106 92108 92109 92110 92111 92120 92130 92131 92132 92133 92134 92135 92137 92151 92152 92154 92156 92158 92167 92168 92169 92208 92209 92210 92211 92212 92213 92214 92223 92225 92228 92215 92216 92217 92218 92219 92220 92223 92225 92228 10103 22001 23001 23002 23003 23004 21001 21002 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 μmole 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 3 labelings 5 mg 1L 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 10 mL 2 mL 2 mL Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium CF555 Succinimidyl Ester CF532 SE Protein Labeling Kit EverBrite Mounting Medium ELISA ELISA KİTLERİ ELISA ELISA ELISA KİTLERİ ÜRÜN ADI 28 Human 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3,DVD/DHVD3 ELISA Kit Human adenosine deaminase,ADA ELISA Kit Human adiponectin,ADPN ELISA Kit Human Adropin,AD ELISA kit Human Annexin V,ANX-V ELISA Kit Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP-7) ELISA kit Human Cadherin 9 (CDH9)ELISA Kit Human Cadherin EGF LAG Seven Pass G-Type Receptor 2 (CELSR2)ELISA Kit Human Caspase 1 (CASP1)ELISA kit Human Caspase 10 (CASP10)ELISA kit Human Caspase 11 (CASP11)ELISA kit Human Caspase 13 (CASP13)ELISA kit Human Collagen Type α,Col α ELISA Kit Human Collagen Type β,Col β ELISA KIT Human Galectin-3 ELISA Kit Human Tumor necrosis factor α,TNF-α ELISA KIT Human Tumor necrosis factor β,TNF-β ELISA KIT Rat 5-Nucleotidase,5-NT ELISA Kit Rat 6-keto-prostaglandin F1a,6-K-PGF1a ELISA Kit Rat Amylin ELISA Kit Rat Blood urea nitrogen(BUN) ELISA Kit Rat DNA methyltransferase,DNAM ELISA Kit Rat DNA methyltransferase3α,DNAM3α ELISA Kit Rat Interleukin 6,IL-6 ELISA KIT Rat Nesfatin1(Nes-1)ELISA kit Rat Serotonin,ST ELISA Kit Rat Vascuoar endothelial cell growth factor receptor 2,VEGFR-2/Flt1 ELISA kit Guinea pig CD4 ELISA Kit Guinea pig Hemoglobin Beta (HBb) ELISA Kit Guinea Pig Interleukin 1β,IL-1β ELISA Kit Hamster Interferon α,IFN-α ELISA Kit Nude Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) ELISA Kit Porcine Alpha-1B-glycoprotein,A1BG ELISA Kit Porcine Estrogen Receptor,ER ELISA Kit Mouse 5-Nucleotidase,5-NT ELISA Kit Mouse anti-Endomysial Antibody IgA,EMA IgA ELISA Kit Mouse Catalase (CAT)ELISA Kit Mouse matrix metalloproteinase 13,MMP-13 ELISA kit GOAT Growth hormone(GH) ELISA Kit GOAT Vitamin B(VB)ELISA Kit Rabbit Cortisol(COR) ELISA Kit Rabbit C-Reactive Protein,CRP ELISA Kit Rabbit Insulin,INS ELISA Kit Rabbit Interferon γ ,IFN-γ ELISA Kit Fish malondialchehyche,MDA ELISA Kit Fish Melatonin(MT) ELISA Kit Plant Sucrose Phosphate Synthase(SPS)ELISA Kit Plant gibberellic acid(GA)ELISA Kit Monkey Hyaluronic acid,HA ELISA Kit Monkey Lymphotoxin-beta,LTB ELISA Kit Chicken Collagen type I alpha 2,COL1A2/Collagen I ELISA Kit Chicken Complement 3,C3 ELISA Kit Horse Hyaluronic acid,HA ELISA Kit Horse Inhibin,INH-A ELISA Kit Bovine Bactericidal permeability-increasing protein,BPI ELISA Kit Bovine Cathepsin B,cath-B ELISA Kit Human BMP-4 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4) ELISA Kit Human CD163 (Cluster of Differentiation 163) ELISA Kit Human IL-13 (Interleukin 13) ELISA Kit Human MYO (Myoglobin) ELISA Kit Human COL4 (Collagen Type IV) ELISA Kit Human ApoH (Apolipoprotein H) ELISA Kit Mouse IL-1ra (Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist) ELISA Kit Mouse ANG2 (Angiopoietin 2) ELISA Kit Mouse FIX (Coagulation Factor IX) ELISA Kit Mouse ETRA (Endothelin Receptor A) ELISA Kit Mouse INHA (Inhibin A) ELISA Kit Rat IL-1α (Interleukin 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit Rat Cys-C (Cystatin C) ELISA Kit Rat CASP1 (Caspase 1) ELISA Kit Rat HSP-90 (Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit Porcine IgG (Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit Monkey IL-10 (Interleukin-10) ELISA Kit Rabbit TWEAK (Tumour Necrosis Factor Related Weak Inducer of Apoptosis) ELISA Kit Rabbit TE (Telomerase) ELISA Kit Chicken E2 (Estradiol) ELISA Kit Sheep IL-23 (Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit KODU YHB0006Hu YHB0095Hu YHB0111Hu YHB0118Hu YHB0194Hu YHB0503Hu YHB0542Hu YHB0543Hu YHB0624Hu YHB0625Hu YHB0626Hu YHB0627Hu YHB0781Hu YHB0782Hu YHB1296Hu YHB3112Hu YHB3113Hu YHB0016Ra YHB0017Ra YHB0063Ra YHB0164Ra YHB0353Ra YHB0354Ra YHB0630Ra YHB0765Ra YHB0971Ra YHB1133Ra YHB0009Gp YHB0021Gp YHB0035Gp YHB0009Ha YHB0001Nm YHB0022Po YHB0135Po YHB0015Mo YHB0109Mo YHB0266Mo YHB0912Mo YHB0011GO YHB0027GO YHB0023Rb YHB0024Rb YHB0064Rb YHB0065Rb YHB0012FI YHB0013FI YHB0008Pl YHB0009Pl YHB0005MK YHB0006MK YHB0018Ch YHB0019Ch YHB0010HO YHB0011HO YHB0027Bo YHB0039Bo E-EL-H0012 E-EL-H0036 E-EL-H0104 E-EL-H0142 E-EL-H0178 E-EL-H0472 E-EL-M0038 E-EL-M0098 E-EL-M0308 E-EL-M0459 E-EL-M0697 E-EL-R0011 E-EL-R0304 E-EL-R0371 E-EL-R0480 E-EL-P0004 E-EL-MK0007 E-EL-RB0054 E-EL-RB0091 E-EL-Ch0011 E-EL-S0051 MARKA Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Yehua Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Elabscience Yehua Elisa Kits Elabscience Elisa Kits Kitlerimiz hakkında detaylı bilgi için Satış Temsilcilerimizden bilgi alınız. HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE KÜLTÜRÜ SOLÜSYONLARI SERUM MEDIA SUPPLEMENT DETACHMENT CRYOPRESERVATION TRANSFECTION CYTOGENETICS MYCOPLASMA DETECTION & REMOVAL HÜCRE CANLILIK VE APOPTOZ TESTLERİ HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE KÜLTÜRÜ SOLÜSYONLARI SERUM ÜRÜN ADI Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction V Bovine Serum Albumin 30% solution KODU 22013 22014 FBS-12B Fetal Bovine Serum (South America) FBS-12A FBS-HI-12B Fetal Bovine Serum Heat Inactivated (South America) FBS-HI-12A FBS-22B Fetal Bovine Serum (USA) FBS-22A FBS-HI-22B Fetal Bovine Serum Heat Inactivated (USA) FBS-HI-22A FBS-11B Fetal Bovine Serum Advanced (South America) FBS-11A FBS-HI-11B Fetal Bovine Serum Advanced Heat Inactivated (South America) FBS-HI-11A FBS-ES-32B Fetal Bovine Serum ES Cell Pretested (USDA) FBS-ES-32A Fetal Bovine Serum Tetracycline Negative (South FBS-TET-12B Africa) FBS-TET-12A NCS-1B Newborn Calf Serum NCS-1A NCS-HI-1B Newborn Calf Serum, Heat Inactivated NCS-HI-1A CS-1B Calf Serum CS-1A ABS-1B Adult Bovine Serum ABS-1A HOS-1B Horse Serum HOS-1A DHS-1B Donor Horse Serum DHS-1A POR-1B Porcine Serum POR-1A Mouse Serum MOU-1B Rat Serum RAT-1B Rabbit Serum RAB-1B Human Serum, Off the Clot HUM-8B Human Serum, Off the Clot, Type AB HUM-9B Human Serum, Converted HUM-1B Human Serum, Converted, Type AB HUM-2B BSA-1U Bovine Serum Albumin, Fraction V, pH 7.0, Origin BSA-1S USA BSA-1V BSA-1T BSA-FAF-1U Bovine Serum Albumin, Fatty Acid Free, Origin USA BSA-FAF-1S Bovine Serum Albumin, Protease Free, Origin BSA-PF-1U USA BSA-PF-1S 30 MİKTARI MARKA 50 g 100 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 50 g 100 g 250 g 500 g 50 g 100 g 50 g 100 g Biotium Biotium Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Fetal Bovine Serum (USA) Bovine Serum Albumin, Fraction V, pH 7.0, Origin USA HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ MEDIA DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), with L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), with L-Glutamine DMEM-HA 500 ml Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), with Stable GlutamiDMEM-HHSTA 500 ml ne, with 25 mM HEPES Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), with L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate 500 ml Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), with Stable GlutamiDMEM-HPSTA 500 ml ne, with Sodium Pyruvate Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), w/o L-Glutamine, with Sodium Pyruvate DMEM-HPXA 500 ml Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), w/o L-Glutamine DMEM-HXA 500 ml Capricorn DMEM High Glucose (4.5 g/l), w/o L-Glutamine, w/o Phenol Red DMEM-HXRXA 500 ml Capricorn DMEM-HPA DMEM Low Glucose (1 g/l), with L-Glutamine, with DMEM-LPA Sodium Pyruvate RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine 500 ml Capricorn DMEM Low Glucose (1 g/l), with Stable Glutamine, DMEM-LPSTA 500 ml with Sodium Pyruvate Capricorn DMEM Low Glucose (1 g/l), w/o L-Glutamine, with DMEM-LPXA Sodium Pyruvate 500 ml Capricorn DMEM/Ham’s F-12, with L-Glutamine, with 15 mM DMEM-12-HA HEPES 500 ml Capricorn DMEM/Ham’s F-12, with Stable Glutamine, with 15 DMEM-12mM HEPES HSTA 500 ml Capricorn DMEM/Ham’s F-12, w/o L-Glutamine DMEM-12-XA 500 ml Capricorn Ham’s F-12, with L-Glutamine HAM-12-A 500 ml Capricorn IMDM, with L-Glutamine, without Supplements IMDM-A 500 ml Capricorn Leibovitz’s L-15 Medium, w/o L-Glutamine L15-XA 500 ml Capricorn McCoy’s 5A Medium, with L-Glutamine MCC-A 500 ml Capricorn Medium 199, with Earle‘s Salts, with L-Glutamine M199-A 500 ml Capricorn MEM with Earle’s Salts, with L-Glutamine MEM-A 500 ml Capricorn MEM with Earle’s Salts, with Stable Glutamine MEM-STA 500 ml Capricorn MEM with Earle’s Salts, w/o L-Glutamine MEM-XA 500 ml Capricorn MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, with Nucleosides MEMA-RA 500 ml Capricorn MEM Alpha Modification, with L-Glutamine, w/o Nucleosides MEMA-XRA 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine RPMI-A 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, with Stable Glutamine RPMI-STA 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, with 25 mM HEPES RPMI-HA 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine RPMI-XA 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine, with 25 mM HEPES RPMI-HXA 500 ml Capricorn RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine, w/o Phenol Red RPMI-XRXA 500 ml Capricorn 31 HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ SUPPLEMENT ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA Amphotericin B Solution (250 μg/ml) Antibiotic/Antimycotic Solution (100x) Gentamicin Solution (10 mg/ml) Gentamicin Solution (50 mg/ml) Penicillin/Streptomycin (100x) AMP-B AAS-B GEN-10B GEN-50B PS-B 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Penicillin/Streptomycin (100x), with L-Glutamine PSG-B 100 ml Capricorn Lymphocyte Separation Medium, Density 1.077 g/ LSM-B ml LSM-A MEM Nonessential Amino Acids (100x) NEAA-B G5 Supplement (100x), Serum-free G5-L N2 Supplement (100x), Serum-free N2-K N2 Supplement Modified (100x), Serum-free N2M-K NCS21 Supplement (50x), Serum-free C21-H NCS27 Supplement (50x), Serum-free C27-H 100 ml 500 ml 100 ml 1 ml 5 ml 5 ml 10 ml 10 ml mLIF, Recombinant, for Murine Embryonic Cells LIF-L 1 ml Capricorn ITS (100x), Insulin, Transferrin, Selenium Hybridoma Supplement (10x), Serum-free L-Glutamine (200 mM) Stable Glutamine (200 mM) Sodium Pyruvate (100 mM) MEM Nonessential Amino Acids (100x) ITS-H HCS-F GLN-B STA-B NPY-B NEAA-B 10 ml 50 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Accutase Cell Detachment Solution ACC-1B 100 ml Capricorn Trypsin EDTA (%0,05) in DPBS (1X) TRY-1B 100 ml Capricorn Trypsin EDTA (%0,5) in DPBS (10X) TRY-1B10 100 ml Capricorn Trypsin (%0,25) in DPBS (1X) TRY-2B 100 ml Capricorn Trypsin (%2,5) in DPBS (10X) TRY-2B10 100 ml Capricorn FreezeMe One, Cryopreservation Medium with Fetal Bovine Serum FM1-F 50 ml Capricorn FreezeMe Two, Cryopreservation Medium, Serum-free FM2-F 50 ml Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Accutase Cell Detachment Solution DETACHMENT CRYOPRESERVATION 32 FreezeMe One, Cryopreservation Medium with Fetal Bovine Serum HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ TRANSFECTION ÜRÜN ADI KODU MİKTARI MARKA AFE-L 1 ml + 50 ml Capricorn G418EP-Q G418EP-H G418EP-B G418-H G418-10X G418-B G418-Q G418-R BLA-5X BLA-1X HYG-H PUR-1X 5g 10 ml 100 ml 10 ml 10 x 10 ml 100 ml 5g 10 g 50 mg 100 mg 10 ml 100 mg Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn PBL-1B Tri-21B COL-H 100 ml 100 ml 10 ml Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Dulbecco’s PBS (1x), w/o Ca& Mg, w/o PhenolRed PBS-1A 500 ml Capricorn Dulbecco’s PBS (10x), w/o Ca& Mg, w/o PhenolRed PBS-10XA 500 ml Capricorn Dulbecco’s PBS (1x), with Ca/Mg, w/o PhenolRed PBS-2A 500 ml Capricorn HBSS-1A 500 ml Capricorn HBSS-2A 500 ml Capricorn HBSS-3A 500 ml Capricorn HEP-B 100 ml Capricorn AlphaFectin, Transfection Reagent and Supplement G-418 Sulfate EvoPure® Powder G-418 Sulfate EvoPure® Solution, 100 % Activity (50 mg/ml) G-418 Sulfate Solution, 100 % Activity (50 mg/ml) Hygromycin B Solution (50 mg/ml) G-418 Sulfate Powder Blasticidin S Powder Hygromycin B Solution (50 mg/ml) Puromycin Powder CYTOGENETICS LymphoSelect AmnioSelect Colcemid Solution (10 μg/ml) in DPBS Dulbecco’s PBS (1x), with Ca/Mg, w/o PhenolRed Hanks’ BalancedSalts, with Ca& Mg, w/o PhenolRed Hanks’ BalancedSalts, w/o Ca& Mg, w/o PhenolRed Hanks’ BalancedSalts, w/o Ca& Mg, with PhenolRed HEPES Buffer Solution (1 M) MYCOPLASMA DETECTION & REMOVAL EasyDetect M, Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit MycoXpert, Mycoplasma Removal Reagent (50x) MycoXpert, Mycoplasma Removal Reagent (50x) MYD-24 24 assays Capricorn MYD-48 48 assays Capricorn MYD-96 96 assays Capricorn MYX-B 100 ml Capricorn 33 HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ 34 HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA NucView 488 Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrate, 1 mM in DMSO 10402 Biotium NucView 488 Caspase-3 Enzyme Substrate, 1 mM in PBS 10403 Biotium JC-1 mitochondrial membrane potential detection kit 30001 Biotium XTT Cell Viability Kit 30007 Biotium Apoptosis and Necrosis Quantification Kit 30017 Biotium Apoptotic, Necrotic, and Healthy Cells Quantification Kit 30018 Biotium MCB Glutathione Detection Kit 30019 Biotium Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and Sulforhodamine 101 (Texas Red) Annexin 30030 Biotium DiO/DPA Membrane Potential Detection Kit 30037 Biotium CF488A Annexin V and 7-AAD Apoptosis Kit 30060 Biotium CF488A Annexin V and PI Apoptosis Kit 30061 Biotium NucView 488 and MitoView 633 Apoptosis Kit 30062 Biotium CF488A TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit 30063 Biotium Apoptosis and Necrosis Quantitation Kit Plus 30065 Biotium Apoptotic, Necrotic and Healthy Cells Quantitation Kit Plus 30066 Biotium Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and CF594 Annexin V 30067 Biotium NucView 488 and RedDot 2 Apoptosis and Necrosis Kit 30072 Biotium Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and CF640R Annexin V 30073 Biotium CF640R TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit 30074 Biotium BAPTA, tetracesium salt 50001 Biotium BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50002 Biotium BAPTA, tetrasodium salt 50003 Biotium 5,5’-Dibromo BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50004 Biotium 5,5’-Difluoro BAPTA, AM ester 50005 Biotium 5,5’-Difluoro BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50006 Biotium 5,5’-Dimethyl BAPTA, AM ester 50007 Biotium 5,5’-Dimethyl BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50008 Biotium 5-Methyl-5’-nitro BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50009 Biotium Fluo-3, pentaammonium salt 50010 Biotium Fluo-3, pentapotassium salt 50011 Biotium Fluo-3, pentasodium salt 50012 Biotium Fluo-3, AM ester, 1 mM in anhydrous DMSO 50015 Biotium 5-mononitro BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt 50017 Biotium XTT Cell Viability Kit Apoptosis and Necrosis Quantification Kit CF488A TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit BCECF, free acid Fura-2, AM ester, 1 mM solution ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA Rhod-2, triammonium salt 50020 Biotium Rhod-2, tripotassium salt 50021 Biotium Rhod-2, trisodium salt 50022 Biotium Rhod-590 AM ester 50025 Biotium Rhod-590, tripotassium salt 50026 Biotium Probenecid, sodium salt *water soluble* 50027 Biotium Fura-2, AM ester, 1 mM solution 50029 Biotium Fura-2, pentaammonium salt 50030 Biotium Fura-2, pentapotassium salt 50031 Biotium Fura-2, pentasodium salt 50032 Biotium Furaptra (Mag-Fura-2), tetrapotassium salt 50035 Biotium Indo-1, pentapotassium salt 50041 Biotium Indo-1, pentasodium salt 50042 Biotium Bis-Fura-2, hexapotassium salt 50045 Biotium DMNP-EDTA, tetrapotassium salt (Caged Calcium) 50050 Biotium BCECF, AM ester, 1mg/mL in anhydrous DMSO 51009 Biotium BCECF, free acid 51010 Biotium 5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein 51013 Biotium 5-(and 6)-CFDA 51014 Biotium 5-(and-6)-carboxy-2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein 51015 Biotium 5-(and 6)-carboxy-2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate 51016 Biotium 5-carboxy-2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein (single isomer) 51017 Biotium 5-CFDA (5-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, single isomer) 51018 Biotium 5-FAM 51019 Biotium 6-FAM 51020 Biotium 6-CFDA 51021 Biotium Flubida-2 51022 Biotium 5-carboxy-2’,7’-dichlorosulfonefluorescein 51023 Biotium SPQ 52010 Biotium MQAE 52011 Biotium Zinquin ethyl ester 52020 Biotium Zinquin free acid 52022 Biotium Flubi-2 52024 Biotium Pluronic F-127 59000 Biotium A-23187 Free Acid 59001 Biotium HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI 35 HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ 36 HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA EDC (EDAC) 59002 Biotium TPEN 59003 Biotium Pluronic F-127 20% solution in DMSO 59004 Biotium Pluronic F-127, 10% in sterile H2O 59005 Biotium 4-Bromo A-23187, free acid 59006 Biotium Ionomycin, calcium salt 59007 Biotium Calcium Calibration Buffer Kit 59100 Biotium DiI 60010 Biotium DiO 60011 Biotium DiOC14(3), hydroxyethanesulfonate 60012 Biotium DiA 60013 Biotium Neuro-DiO 60015 Biotium Neuro-DiI 60016 Biotium DiR 60017 Biotium DiI in vegetable oil 60018 Biotium Neuro-DiO in vegetable oil 60019 Biotium Neuro-DiI in vegetable oil 60020 Biotium Fluorescein-DHPE 60024 Biotium NBD-PE 60025 Biotium Rhodamine-DHPE 60026 Biotium Texas Red-DHPE 60027 Biotium TRITC-DHPE 60028 Biotium NBD C6-Ceramide 60030 Biotium NBD C6-Sphingomyelin 60031 Biotium OctadecylRhodamine B chloride (R18) 60033 Biotium DilinoleylDiI 60034 Biotium DilinoleylDiO 60035 Biotium DiB 60036 Biotium Dipicrylamine 60037 Biotium DiOC16(3) 60038 Biotium Di-4-ANEPPS 61010 Biotium DiBAC4(3) 61011 Biotium Di-8-ANEPPS 61012 Biotium Di-2-ANEPEQ 61013 Biotium Di-8-ANEPPQ 61014 Biotium TPEN DiI Rhodamine-DHPE JC-1 (chloride salt) MitoView Green ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA Di-12-ANEPPQ 61015 Biotium RH414 61016 Biotium RH421 61017 Biotium RH237 61018 Biotium RH795 61019 Biotium TMRE, 2 mM in DMSO 70005 Biotium 4-Di-1-ASP 70006 Biotium DiOC5(3) 70007 Biotium DiOC2(3) 70008 Biotium DiOC6(3) 70009 Biotium Rhodamine 123 70010 Biotium JC-1 (chloride salt) 70011 Biotium NonylAcridine Orange (NAO) 70012 Biotium Tetrabromorhodamine 123, bromide 70013 Biotium JC-1 (iodide salt) 70014 Biotium DiIC1(5) (1,1’-dimethyl-3,3,3’,3’-tetramethylindodicarbocyanine, iodide) 70015 Biotium TMRE 70016 Biotium TMRM 70017 Biotium DASPEI 70018 Biotium AM1-43 70024 Biotium AM4-64 70025 Biotium ADVASEP-7 70029 Biotium Nerve Terminal Staining Kit II (A) 70031 Biotium Nerve Terminal Staining Kit III 70032 Biotium Nerve Terminal Staining Kit V 70034 Biotium Nerve Terminal Staining Kit VI 70035 Biotium AM2-10 70036 Biotium SCAS 70037 Biotium AM1-44 70038 Biotium AM4-65 70039 Biotium AM3-25 70051 Biotium HM1-43 70053 Biotium MitoView Green 70054 Biotium MitoView 633 70055 Biotium HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI 37 HÜCRE BİYOLOJİSİ HÜCRE CANLILIK TESTLERİ VE APOPTOZ ÇALIŞMALARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU MARKA SGC3 70056 Biotium SGC5 70057 Biotium Rhodamine 110 (high purity) 80103 Biotium Biocytin 90055 Biotium Biocytinhydrazide 90060 Biotium Biotin cadaverine, trifluoroacetate salt 90063 Biotium Biotin NTA 90074 Biotium Biotin cadaverine, free base 90079 Biotium DMSO, anhydrous 90082 Biotium TCEP 91049 Biotium Tetrodotoxin, citrate free 00060 Biotium Tetrodotoxin, with citrate 00061 Biotium Dihydrorhodamine 123, dihydrochloride salt Ac-DEVD-CHO Caspase-3 Inhibitor Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit NucView 488 Caspase-3 Assay Kit for live cells BAPTA, AM ester Fluo-3, AM ester Rhod-2, AM ester Fura-2, AM ester Furaptra (Mag-Fura-2), AM ester Indo-1, AM ester BCECF, AM ester 38 10056, 100561 10404, 104041 30008-1, 30008-2 30009-1, 30009-2, 30009-3 30011-1, 30011-2 30012-1, 30012-2, 30012-3 30029, 30029T 50000, 500001 50013, 50014, 50016 50023, 50024 50033, 500331, 50034 50037, 50038, 50039 50043, 500431, 50044 51011, 510111, 51012 Tetrodotoxin, with citrate Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Biotium Rhod-2, AM ester SARF MALZEMELERİ TÜPLER PCR SARF MALZEMELERİ RAKLAR VE KUTULAR HİSTOLOJİ VE PATALOJİ SARF MALZEMELERİ TÜPLER STERİL SANTRİFÜJ TÜPLERİ ÜRÜN ADI KODU 15ml, Plug-seal cap, PP, Conical, rack pack, 50 Tubes/Rack 15ml, Plug-seal cap, PP, Conical, bulk pack, 50 Tubes/Bag 50ml, Plug-seal cap, PP, Conical, rack pack, 25 Tubes/Rack 50ml, Plug-seal cap, PP, Conical, bulk pack, 50 Tubes/Bag 15ml, Flat-top cap, PP, Conical, bulk pack, 50 Tubes/Bag 50ml, Flat-top cap, ZP, Conical, rack pack, 25 Tubes/Rack 50ml, Flat-top cap, PP, Conical, bulk pack, 50 Tubes/Bag Non-sterile 15ml Flat-top cap Centrifuge Tubes, PP, Bulk 10-0151 10-0152 10-0501 10-0502 10-9151 10-9501 10-9502 10-9815 TEST TÜPLERİ 12mm x 75mm, Polystyrene, Round Bottom, Non-sterile, Disposable 12mm x 75mm, Polypropylene, Round Bottom, Non-sterile, Disposable 13mm x 100mm, Polystyrene, Round Bottom, Non-sterile, Disposable 12mm Plug Caps, Polyethylene, Blue, Used for #12-1275 tubes only 13mm Plug Caps, Polyethylene, Red, Used for #12-1300 tubes only 12-1275 12-2275 12-1300 12-1299 12-1399 MİKROSANTRİFÜJ TÜPLERİ 1.5ml, Clear, RNase& DNase Free, 500 Tubes/bag 1.5ml, Red, RNase& DNase Free, 500 Tubes/bag 1.5ml, Yellow, RNase&Dnase Free, 500 Tubes/bag 1.5ml, Blue, RNase&Dnase Free, 500 Tubes/bag 80-1500 80-1501 80-1502 80-1503 VİDA KAPAKLI MİKROTÜPLER 0.5ml Conical Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack 0.5ml Self-Standing Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack 1.5ml Conical Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack 1.5ml Self-Standing Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack 2.0ml Conical Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack 2.0ml Self-Standing Tube, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Tubes/pack Screw Cap with O-Ring, Clear, Non-sterile, PP, 500 Caps/pack 81-0001 - PINK 81-0002 - GREEN 81-0003 - BLUE 81-0004 - YELLOW 81-0005 - ASSORTED 40 81-0053 81-0054 81-0153 81-0154 81-0203 81-0204 81-0000 SARF MALZEMELERİ TÜPLER STERİL KRİYOJENİK VİALLER ÜRÜN ADI KODU 2.0ml Self-Standing Vials assembled with clear caps, Sterile, RNase& DNase 81-8204 Free,with White Printing Area, Endotoxin Free, PP, 500/pack 0.5 ml Cryogenic Vial, Sterile, No-Printing, Rnase&Dnase free, Endotoxin 81-7053 Free, PP, 500/Pack PCR SARF MALZEMELERİ PCR TÜPLERİ ÜRÜN ADI KODU 0.2ml, Flat caps, PP, RNase& DNase Free, Clear 1,000 Tubes/Pack 60-0082 - Green 60-0282 - Blue 60-0382 - Yellow 60-0482 0.2ml, Dome-shaped caps, PP, RNase& DNase Free, 1,000 Tubes/Pack 60-0002 - Pink 60-0102 - Green 60-0202 - Blue 60-0302 - Yellow 60-0402 60-0088 60-0188 0.2ml, 8-strip, Flat caps, PP, RNase& DNase Free, 125 Strips/Pack 60-0288 60-0388 60-0488 96-well PCR Plates, Half-Skirted, RNase& DNase Free, Pink, 25 Plates/Pack 60-0156 96-well PCR Plates, Half-Skirted, RNase& DNase Free, Green, 25 Plates/ Pack 60-0256 96-well PCR Plates, Half-Skirted, RNase& DNase Free, Blue, 25 Plates/Pack 60-0356 96-well PCR Plates, Half-Skirted, RNase& DNase Free, Yellow, 25 Plates/ Pack 60-0456 41 SARF MALZEMELERİ PİPET UÇLARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU 10μl bulk, Non-sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Clear, 1,000 Tips/Bag 20-0010 200μl bulk, Non-sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Yellow, 1,000 Tips/Bag 20-0200 1ml bulk, Non-sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Blue, 1,000 Tips/Bag 20-1000 10μl Racked, Sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Clear, 10 Racks/Pack 21-0010 200μl Racked, Sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Yellow, 96 Tips/rack, 10 Racks/ Pack 21-0200 1ml Racked, Sterile, RNase& DNase Free, Blue, 100 Tips/rack, 10 Racks/ Pack 21-1000 TRANSFER PİPET UÇLARI 1 ml transfer pipettes, bulk 30-0135 1ml, individually packed, sterile, Length 160mm, total capacity 6.2ml, Graduated to 1ml, 500/Pack 30-0135A1 3ml, Length 160mm, total capacity 7.5ml, Graduated to 3ml, 500/Pack 30-0138 3ml, individually packed, sterile, Length 160mm, total capacity 7.5ml, Graduated to 3ml, 500/Pack 30-0138A1 STERİL SOLÜSYON KAPLARI PVC, Nonsterile, 55ml Capacity, Clear, 100 Pieces/Pack 25-0052 PS, Sterile, 55ml Capacity, White, Individually Wrapped 25-0051 12-Channel Flip-SideTM, PP, Non-sterile, Assorted colors, 25 Pieces/Bag 25-1202 BEHERLER 42 50ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-0050 100ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-0100 250ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-0250 400ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-0400 800ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-0800 1,000ml, PP, Three pour spouts, Disposable, 25 Pieces/Sleeve 93-1000 SARF MALZEMELERİ RAKLAR VE KUTULAR MICROTUBE RAKLARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU PP, 80-wells, 5 Assorted Colors Cardboard,36-wells,White Coated Cardboard,16-wells,White Coated 90-8009 90-1536 90-5016 KRİYOJENİK SAKLAMA KUTULARI Polycarbonate, 81-wells, -196ºC to 121ºC, 4 Assorted Colors Polypropylene, 81-wells, -90ºC to 121ºC, 5 Assorted Colors Polypropylene, 100-wells, -90ºC to 121ºC, 5 Assorted Colors Polycarbonate, 100-wells, -196ºC to 121ºC, 4 Assorted Colors Polycarbonate, 25-wells, -196ºC to 121ºC, 4 Assorted Colors Polypropylene, 25-wells, -90ºC to 121ºC, 5 Assorted Colors Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 16 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 5 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 20 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 6 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 24 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 7 Drawers, Fits for 1’’ Standard 28 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 8 Drawers, Fits for 1’’ Standard 24 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, For Side Access, Stainless steel, 4 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 12 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, For Side Access, Stainless steel, 5 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 15 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, For Side Access, Stainless steel, 4 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 16 Boxes Slide Drawer Freezer Racks, For Side Access, Stainless steel, 5 Drawers, Fits for 2’’ Standard 20 Boxes FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 3*4, hold 12 boxes with 2” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 3*5, hold 15 boxes with 2” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*4, hold 16 boxes with 2” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*5, hold 20 boxes with 2” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*6, hold 24 boxes with 2” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 3*6, hold 18 boxes with 1” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*5, hold 20 boxes with 1” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 3*7, hold 21 boxes with 1” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*6, hold 24 boxes with 1” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*7, hold 28 boxes with 1” height. FrameType Freezer Racks, Stainless steel, 4*8, hold 32 boxes with 1” height. Vertical Type Freezer Rack, Stainless steel, 1*7, Fits for 7 Pierces of 2’’ Standard Boxes 90-9009 90-9081 90-9100 90-9210 90-9250 90-9025 99-1216 99-1220 99-1224 99-1128 99-1132 99-5212 99-5215 99-5216 99-5220 99-2212 99-2215 99-2216 99-2220 99-2224 99-2118 99-2220 99-2221 99-2124 99-2128 99-2232 99-6207 43 SARF MALZEMELERİ KRİYOJENİK SAKLAMA KUTULARI ÜRÜN ADI KODU Vertical Type Freezer Rack, Stainless steel, 1*9, Fits for 9 Pierces of 2’’ Standard Boxes Vertical Type Freezer Rack, Stainless steel, 1*10, Fits for 10 Pierces of 2’’ Standard Boxes Vertical Type Freezer Rack, Stainless steel, 1*11, Fits for 9 Pierces of 3’’ Standard Boxes Vertical Type Freezer Rack, Stainless steel, 1*12, Fits for 12 Pierces of 2’’ Standard Boxes 99-6209 99-6210 99-6211 99-6212 HÜCRE FİLTRELERİ 40um Cell Strainers, Sterile, nylon mesh, PP frame, Purple 70um Cell Strainers, Sterile, nylon mesh, PP frame, Orange 100um Cell Strainers, Sterile, nylon mesh, PP frame, Green 15-1040 15-1070 15-1100 HİSTOLOJİ VE PATOLOJİ PREPARAT SAKLAMA KUTULARI 25-place foam, Assorted colors, 5.5 x 3.75 x 1.25in, 5 /Pack 100-place foam, Assorted colors, 8.25 x 6.37 x 1.25 in, 5/ Pack 25-place cork, Assorted colors, 5.5 x 3.75 x 1.25 in, 5/Pack 100-place cork, Assorted colors, 8.25 x 6.37 x 1.25 in, 5/ Pack 41-5025 20 Pieces/Case 41-5100 20 Pieces/Case 41-6025 20 Pieces/Case 41-6100 20 Pieces/Case DROSOPHILA ÜRÜNLERİ Narrow Polystyrene Vial, 25 x 95mm, Bulk Pack Narrow Polystyrene Vial, 25 x 95mm, Tray Pack Wide Polystyrene Vial, 28.5 x 95mm, Bulk Pack Wide Polystyrene Vial, 28.5 x 95mm, Tray Pack 6oz (177ml) bottle, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, Bulk Pack 6oz (177ml) bottle, Polypropylene, Autoclavable, Tray Pack 51-0500 51-0501 51-0800 51-0801 51-17720 51-17721 LAM SAKLAMA 20-place cardboard slide mailer w/inventory sheet, 10 Pieces/Pack 41-4020 PETRİ KAPLARI, İNOKÜLASYON MALZEMELERİ, HÜCRE SERPİCİLER 44 90 x 15mm Petri Dish with vented lid, Sterile, 10/Bag 60mm x 15mm Petri Dish with vented lid, Sterile, 10/Bag 1μl Inoculating Loop, Sterile, Blue, 25 Pieces/Pack 10μl Inoculating Loop, Sterile, Orange, 25 Pieces/Pack Inoculating needles, Sterile, Yellow, 25 Pieces/Pack L-shaped Spreader, Polystyrene, Sterile, Individually wrapped, Orange L-shaped Spreader, Polystyrene, Sterile, 10 Pieces/Pack, Orange 66-1501 66-1560 65-0001 65-0010 65-0002 65-1001 65-1010 ELEKTROFOREZ SİSTEMLERİ Farklı watt ayarları ve boyutlarda seçilebilen elektroforez sistemlerimiz bilgisayara direkt bağlanabilen modellerle beraber ATLAS Biyoteknoloji sizlere sunmaktadır. MİKROSANTRİFÜJLER Benç üstü santrifüjler çeşitli rotor boyları ve açılarıyla dijital ve analog olarak araştırmacılara en yüksek performansta çalışma güvencesi vermektedir. ISI BLOKLARI KARIŞTIRICILAR VORTEKSLER pH METRELER LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARIMIZ Laboratuvar cihazlarımız 45 LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARIMIZ PİPET SETLERİMİZ A.B.T.® pipetler, sıvıların doğru ve güvenli bir şekilde ölçülüp aktarılması için tasarlanmış volümetrik araçlardır. Bu pipetler benzersiz konfor, dayanıklılık ve performans sunar. Kullanılan modele bağlı olarak 0.5 μl’den 1000 μl hacme kadar aktarım yapılabilir. • Otoklavlanabilir • Hacim kilidiyle ayarlanabilir dijital sayaç • Geliştirilmiş ergonomik tutma yeri ve pratik uç çıkarıcı • Standart pipetlerle uyumluluk Tüm uygulamalarda kullanılmak üzere 10 model mevcuttur: 0.1–2 μl, 0.5–10 μl, 2–20 μl, 5–50 μl, 10–100 μl, 20–200 μl, 50–250 μl, 100–1000 μl, 500–5000 μl, ya da 1000–10000 μl. Model Hacim Aralığı [μl] AB2 AB10 AB20 AB50 AB100 AB200 AB250 AB1000 AB5000 AB10000 0.1 - 2 0.5 - 10 2 - 20 5 - 50 10 - 100 20 - 200 50 - 250 100 - 1000 500 - 5000 1000 - 10000 AB2, AB10 Mikrohacimlerin ölçümü ve aktarımı, DNA dizileme ve enzim aktivasyonu uygulamaları AB20, AB50, AB100, AB200, AB250, AB1000 Genellikle sulu çözeltilerin, asit ve bazların ölçüm ve aktarımı AB5000, AB10000 Büyük hacimlerin ölçümü ve aktarımı 46 StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System Applied Biosystems® StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR Sistemi, hem yeni hem de tecrübeli kullanıcılar için mükemmel bir 96well Real-Time PCR aygıtıdır. StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR Sistemi, çeşitli ayarlamalarla kurulabilir ve kullanıma hazırdır, ekli veri analizi ve aygıt kontrol yazılımıyla ezber bozar. LED tanablı 4 renkli optik kayıt ile, doğru, nicel PCR sonuçları üretmek için tasarlanmıştır. Özellikleri • Geniş genomik assay dizisi için gelişmiş yazılım ve cihazlandırma • Hassas 4 renkli LED kayıt sistemi • Yeni ve tecrübeli kullanıcılar için anlaşılması ve kullanılması kolay, güçlü yazılım • Basit, esnek aygıt kurulumu ve kullanımı LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARIMIZ PCR CİHAZI HÜCRE SAYIM CİHAZI Micro Counter 2100 Floresan Süspansiyon Hücre Sayacı Micro Counter 2100 herhangi bir mikroskobu potensiyel otomatik hücre sayacına çevirir. Sistem, özel atılabilir sarflar gerektirmeden hızlı, ekonomik, tekrar üretilebilir hücre sayımları sunar. Micro Counter 2100 geniş sayım aralığına sahiptir ve oldukça doğru sonuçlar üretir. Özellikleri • Süspansiyon hücre sayımı, hücre canlılığı analizi, hücre büyüklüğü ölçümü vb. • Parlak alan mikroskopları, inverted mikroskopları, floresan mikroslam • Süspansiyon hücreleri 47 LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARIMIZ 48 MİKROSKOPLAR ve POZİTİF ŞARJLI LAMLAR Euromex Trinocular Mikroskop (parlak alan için) GE.3035 Euromex Oxion Serisi Euromex BioBlue.Lab Trinocular Mikroskop BB.1153-PLi Euromex EcoBlue Monocular Mikroskop EC.1001 EĞİTİMLERİMİZ EĞİTİMLERİMİZ Online teorik eğitimlerimiz sayesinde konuları uzmanlarından öğrenip, ardından size yakın bir şehrimizde uygulamalı eğitimlerimizle verimli bir kurs dönemi hedefliyoruz. Ayrıca kurs sonunda da sınav ile değerlendirilecek olan başırılı katılımcılarımıza sertifikalarını ulaştırıyoruz. Sertifika programının amacı Tıp, Biyoloji, Biyokimya, Tıbbi Biyoloji, Eczacılık, Veterinerlik ve Diş Hekimliği gibi alanlarda eğitim almış veya almakta olan katılımcıların laboratuvar deneyimleri kazanmasını sağlamak, proje yazılması ve deney planı hazırlanması aşamalarında teknik konular ile daha iyi pekiştirilmesini sağlamak, temel teorik eğitim almış öğrencilerin laboratuvar pratik deneyimlerini arttırmaktır. Uluslararası denkliği olan katılımcı sertifikaları ile yeni mezun olan gençlerimiz yurt dışında ve yurt içinde daha başarılı olabileceklerdir. Uzaktan Eğitim Sistemi aracılığı ile teorik eğitimlerimiz web üzerinden online olarak verilecektir. Bu sayede katılımcılar iş hayatı, yerleşim birimi, coğrafi koşullar, bedensel engellilik gibi yüz yüze eğitim almayı zorlaştıran veya imkansızlaştıran durumlardan etkilenmeksizin eğitim görebileceklerdir. Pratik kurslar (uygulamalar) ise katılımcının seçeceği 3 farklı üniversite laboratuvarlarından birinde aynı standartlarda kursiyerlerin katılımı ile verilecektir. 49 HAKKIMIZDA HAKKIMIZDA Firmamız 2012 yılında genç, dinamik ve alanında uzman kadrosu ile Moleküler Biyoloji, Genetik, Diagnostik tanı ve Research alanlarında çalışmaktadır. Moleküler Biyoloji, Genetik, Hücre Kültürü, Western Blot, Flow Cytometer gibi bir çok alanda global markette çok iyi bir referans marka olan Life Technologies Co. (Applied Biosystems & Invitrogen Co.)’ şirketinin bölge bayisi olarak faaliyete geçmiştir. Kurulduğundan bu yana; Satış - Pazarlama, Aplikasyon ve Teknik Servis grubumuzla başta üniversiteler ve araştırma merkezleri olmak üzere bütün yerli pazara hizmet vermekteyiz. Atlas Biyoteknoloji Ar&Ge alanında teknik kadromuz ile deneysel uygulamalar ve moleküler biyolojik tekniklerin uygulanabilir olması için demo çalışmaları ile her zaman yanınızda hissedeceğiniz çözüm ortağınızdır. LABORATUVARIMIZ 50 HİZMETLERİMİZ PCR (Polimeraz Zincir Tepkimesi) RT-PCR (Ters Transkripsiyon PCR) Gerçek Zamanlı (Real Time) PCR Hücre Kültürü Klonlama Western Blot Dizi ve Fragman Analizi Primer Sentezi Flow Cytometry