Metis Biyoteknoloji Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler 1. Ulus AT, Turan NN, Pınarlı F, Erdolu B, Tuncer S, Fadıllıoğlu E, Delibaşı T. The effects of penetration and dose on in vivo imaging. Anadolu Kadiyoloji Derg. 2011; 11:557-58. 2. Karatas H, Gurer G, Pinar A, Soylemezoglu F, Tezel GG, Hascelik G, Akalan N, Tuncer S, Ciger A, Saygi S. Investigation of HSV-1, HSV-2, CMV, HHV-6 and HHV-8 DNA by real-time PCR in surgical resection materials of epilepsy patients with mesial temporal lobe sclerosis. J Neurol Sci. 2008 15;264(1-2):151-6. 3. Ergünay K, Firat P, Tuncer S, Yildiz I, Ustaçelebi S. Detection and typing of human papilloma virus by polymerase chain reaction and hybridization assay in cervical samples with cytological abnormalities. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2008 Apr;42(2):273-82. 4. Atalay F, Taskiran C, Taner MZ, Pak I, Or M, Tuncer S. Detection of human papillomavirus DNA and genotyping in patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma. 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